Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Friday, September 30, 2005

You don't have to be running to enjoy the Expo

Well, HP05 is not running the Army 10 Miler, but intends to take full advantage for the expo on Saturday! Knowing full well that REI is the preferred supplier of gear for the HP’s, however this expo is known for having great deals on running clothes (especially stuff for winter), bags, and all other running necessities.

HP05 HIGHLY recommends checking it out as she ran the race a few years back and found some great stuff. It’s a bit crowded but definitely worth it.

Another Team Caliente Pantalones Relay Team Ready to go Balls to the Wall

This morning HPs 02,03 and 04 have finally registered for the Sherando Lake Sprint on the 15th...GAME ON as HP01 would say. This is exactly what HP02 needed to thrust her back on the wagon. It has been 2 weeks since she has brought out Ricardo for some serious distance cycling, embarrassingly. HP02 just found out that HotPantsGreatAuntHarriett is postponing her visit originally scheduled for next weekend, and so once HotPantsMom leaves next week HP02 will be in full effect. Lastnight HP02 spread the HP message by teaching HotPantsMom some critical pilates moves, and I think she was talked into finding a PilatesLatinHotPants of her own back in Denver.

I nominate DenverHotPants as the regional director of Team Caliente Pantalones West Side!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

DenverHotPants...We Salute You!

The following blog-worthy email was sent to HP01 from DenverHotPants. HP01 is deeply sorry if she is breaking any rules of the blog, but it was just too damn funny to keep in her inbox. For background’s sake, DenverHotPants is a seasoned politico whose job search has been fruitless of late. She is an avid reader of the HP Blog and loves the new Team Gear, “The people in the coffee house that doubles as my office think I'm crazy for laughing out loud.” This type of witty humor must be shared with the world….

"So, here's the score…

* 15 jobs applied for
* 5 interviews (2 with cheap ass organizations offering $24,000 to start, boo!)
* 0 job offers
* 1 angry outburst regarding insulting pay scale of cheap ass organization
* 231 cocktails drank during job search to keep from feeling worthless.

Things are not looking good. Oh, and Oliver [the cat; see photo] says "high" right back. The white-trash catnip is now drool filled pouch on living room floor."
Thank you ladies.....


Hello Ladies...

Boring training post....

HP04 has been remiss in posting about her training and instead has been posting musings so I'll give you a brief run down. Sunday I decided to see if I could actually complete a half mile swim non-stop. I was pretty skeptical having only started my training 2 weeks ago. It was a huge success and I swam almost 2 miles - I felt great while swimming but was tired for 2 days after. But, I'm in for the tri on Oct. 15!!! Monday I went for a run - almost 2.5 miles- which I'm not supposed to be doing but can never seem to stop myself. Tuesday I took off because I had dinner with my cousin and I don't do mornings. Dinner was great - but my cousin and I have come to the conclusion that our family is certifiably insane! Last night knowing I could actually complete a half mile swim non stop I decided to time myself. I finished my half mile in 14 minutes - I was very pleased! I'm going to attribute it to all the sugar that I ate yesterday - gave me extra speed. We'll see what happens next time now that HP01 and Hp04 have cut out all sugar!! It was getting ugly ladies!

Now a side note about the pool last night. I was finishing a set, swimming on the right hand side of the lane, up and back on the same side in case someone wanted to share a lane with me so we wouldn't have to circle swim. I was about half way down the pool when I noticed a woman at the wall on my side hugging the lane line - I mean seriously she couldn't have been any more on my side with no one else in the lane. So I'm swimming at her thinking she's gonna move as I get closer but she doesn't - I move to the other side at the last minute and come up for air. She says to me in a thick German accent - okay if I share lane? Sure I say - do you want to circle swim or take sides? she replies - share better. (WTF then why the hell are you on my side Gertrude??) so I reply to her - I guess you want that side and she replies - doesn't matter. So I still have no idea why she was in my way - maybe they do things differently in the pools in germany. What ever happened to common courtesy???

Shout out to HP02 on the MW photo. I think we should always have a pic of a scantily clad hot man on our page....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

HP02: “The Gym Soundtrack has Got to Go…STAT”

At the gym there are videos playing round the clock, with the corresponding music playing on the loudspeaker. HP02 has no idea who gets to pick the music, but it can range from oldies and classic rock to boy bands and metal. Over the summer they have continually played that freaking song by Foreigner, “I Want to Know what Love is”. This HP has complained endlessly- I mean really, who wants to listen to that CRAP when you are sweating it out on the bike??? I'll tell you who- NO ONE. For real. Anyway whenever a complaint is lodged at the front desk, HP02 is directed to “leave a comment on the website.” At least 3 complaints have been left on said website, and still that lamo song continues to loop round and around on the loudspeaker. So to that, I say this (actually Marky Mark says it better):

(Sorry HP04, for copying you with the MW, but he was about to get pushed off the page, I just couldnt bear to see him go!)

HP02 has Arrived: Cute Latin Pilates Instructor Takes her for a Hispanic

A few months back when HP02 began pilates, the cute coach PilatesLatinHotPants made her blush when he told her she looked like she had been doing pilates all her life. It was just the ego boost she needed to keep going to the weekly class. But today the complements were taken to a whole new level, when he asked her where she was from. He actually thought HP02 was from Spain- how flattering! Well actually she was wearing the national colors of Spain today...but still, he probably said that because of her Hispanic-like sass.

Today's training schedule involved hauling ass on the bike from Rosslyn to Dupont Circle to pick up a check from a client, only to find out the client had already left, and then hauling ass back to Georgetown so as not to miss pilates class. Then after pilates she did some leg lifts, then saw it was getting dark outside and headed for home. It was the long way home, uphill to Georgetown Hospital, that really made the legs burn. Tonight she is going to scrub her bathtub and wash the kitchen floor like bansheeie (upper body workout) and then put together the playlist for the kick ass training CD she is compiling for the HP membership (and perhaps for our fans, if it is deemed sufficiently kick ass). HP02s mother is coming to town, and wouldn'tdnt want her to think her daughter is a slob...

HP02 is mourning the loss of the light-filled evenings! She cant imagine life without her bike commute in the mornings and at night, but is highly intimidated by the thought of biking home in the dark, and the cold. She clearly needs a trip to REI for some more gear to get her over this frightful prospect...

My man gives real lovin' that's why I call him killa'...oh, and there's this...

I finally found somebody who can make me laugh - ha ha ha. You so crazy...I think I wanna buy yo a mankini.

Cheers to the DC men in HP03's life, charmed I'm sure.

I got a fever......

this is an audio post - click to play

New Uniform?

These would look nice over our Tankinis!!

Rock it.

this is an audio post - click to play
...and I'll be doing myself a disservice and every member (on) this (team), if I don't perform the hell out of this.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Quantico Results

HP03 1:57:55 placing 8/58 in age group ( 20-24) and 419 overall
SB 1:57:41 placing 46/77 in age group (25-29) and 408 overall

Pace was just under 9 minutes throughout.

Pow Pow!! Hey HPs, How ‘bout some Skeet Shooting Lessons?

In an effort to emanate strength and bad-assness, HP01, HP03, & HP04 thought it would be a good idea to get the HP’s together for a field trip to Bull Run Park for some Skeet Shooting Lessons. How about it ladies? We’ll look super hot in our tankini’s, ear covers, and of course, holding big ‘ole guns. No one will fuck with skeet-shooting HPs!

Learn To Shoot Classes

Doctor Hot Pants to the Rescue: Hearing The Cow Bell Within

The HPs learned a valuable lesson about the psychology of being a world class athlete this weekend. As they cheered on their team mate from the sidelines of the Marine Corps Half-Marathon at Quantico, the HPs noticed that most of the exhausted runners passing by seemed to get their second wind once they heard the exuberant cheering and pounding of the bell by the HP faction. Some gave the thumbs up and high-fived us as they exclaimed ‘more cow bell!’ Others breezed by, acknowledging the dedicated fans only with a slight smile as they kept their eye on the goal before them. It is then that the HPs realized that what separates the average sassy-pants female from the exceptional Hot Pants athlete is the endurance that can be mustered when one gets in touch with their inner cowbell. When a girl has confidence and HP attitude, she will hear her fans with their cow bells all the damn time!!

13.1 down and 13.1 to go....

First, let me begin my post by thanking the cowbellicious Team Caliente Pantalones cheering squad! HP01 worked that cowbell. HP02 stayed focused on her cheering duties and left the heroes alone in key race moments and HP04, for someone with asthma you sure can yell. Thanks also go to DK for his guest HPCheer appearance and for the quick digi photos.

(In the above photo, the red arrows point out HP03's exceptionally badass leg muscles and are red for "hot-t." While the blue arrows point out how dorky distance runners are and represent what is not even "hot-single-t." Sorry 494, but me thinks you should consider the mankini.)

If you heard my post from Saturday morning you know that I got off to a rough start with the 5:30 am wake up call. (Speaking of wakeup calls, HP03's BF got no less than three drunk dials from west coast college buddies.) After the initial bumbling about and searching for missing bagels HP03 got herself together and is annoyed that she is becoming quite the little morning person, as TRI-mates 01 and 02 can attest to. A late start at home and long bathroom lines led to a slightly late start at the race, HP03 approached the start line only to have her manfriend realize he'd forgotten his bib number, but that's the great thing about chip timing, you can basically start whenever you want.

Ladies, this course was a bitch. I don't know who's genius idea it was to put Marines in charge of mapping out courses, but those kids are totally Semper-Fit. At least half of the course was uphill and half of those hills were complete ass burners. Hills are usually ok, but HP03 has been struggling with an injured left hip flexor, a key ingredient to effective hill climbing. Race highlights include: 1. hills, hills, hills 2. cowbell, cowbell, cowbell 3. Stellar sing along by SB to Aretha Franklin's R-e-s-p-e-c-t (HP03's official "hill" song) 4.random runner with seriously nasty body odor 5. Serious old man (generals/retired) Marines out for their morning run yelling "encouraging" drill sergeant themed snippets on their way by "Let's go boy, why aren't you at the front!" 6. SB's mock run impression of the dude with wildly ill-proportioned body and gigantic shoulders 7. final stretch race with SB, in which HP03 held a commanding lead and then lost miserably by a solid 100m 8. Save the best for last, Team Caliente Pantalones cheering squad! Seriously ladies (and DK), it helped so much to have y'all there. Every time I came around a corner I picked it up a little bit to look tough just in case y'all were there!

The chip times have not been posted yet. I think we came in around 1:55:something, but I'll get back to y'all on that one with pace details etc.

“I got a fever! And the only prescription is more cowbell!”

Participants of Quantico’s ½ Marathon demanded MORE COW BELL from TeamCalientePantalones! It was a tremendous weekend for the HP’s…HP03 kicked ass in the Quantico race and her teammates were there to cheer her on. The HP’s were deemed the #1 fans, thanks to the cowbell donated to the Team by BikeMechanicHotNacho. Nothing like a little cowbell and some enthusiastic cheering to get you through a race! Congratulations HP03!!

After HP03’s race on Saturday, HP01 competed in her very own, self imposed biathlon. She biked 14 miles and ran 2.5 miles, and then ravenously attacked the left over Pad-Thai in the fridge.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Wake me up before you go go.

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, September 23, 2005

But you can't karate chop a butterfly...WTF?

It seems I "forgot" to include this story from my twenty mile run last Sunday...

Enter the dragon.

So I've been into karate chopping lately. Karate.

At the start of the run there was this huge butterfly that kept bouncing around my face, not really bothering me -- just chillin' and illin' you know how it be -- anyway, before I knew it I had raised my left and right hand into striking position and caught myself just before I karate chopped a butterfly.
I, of course, looked over my shoulder to see if SB saw what an f'ed up specimen I am and since he hadn't, I promptly informed him of my psychosis.

What the heck is that all about?

If this were a dream what would it say about me...worse yet, since it was real...

As our next triathlon is quickly approaching (22 days, YIKES) I thought it was time I introduced my self, HP05. I was a consultant for TeanCalientePantalones on their relay triathlon and am honored to join the HP ranks. I will be competing along side them for the Sherando Lake Sprint Tri as well as HP06, soon to post as well. But, I am competing in the Athena category. Yes, that is the Goddess of Love and Beauty. It is the category for women over 150 pounds. Men have their own category as well, the Clydesdale division. With all of this being said, I very much enjoyed my day off of training today. Tomorrow will consist of a bike ride, weight lifting in the form of moving boxes, followed by some wrist/arm work involving my good friend Miller Lite.

What happens when you post a sporty blog to the "lazy" thinks we've stumbled onto a real conundrum

this is an audio post - click to play

Hot pants- hey hot pants uh! smokin'

this is an audio post - click to play

Thursday, September 22, 2005


"Visit the only retail location in the world dedicated to the colorful fun of M&M'S® Brand Chocolate Candies! This 28,000 square-foot, four-story monument to chocolate is the perfect family excursion, featuring one-of-a-kind gifts and souvenirs designed solely for M&M'S WORLD®. "

28,000 feet of chocolate???? Could this be heaven ladies??? Perhaps they'd consider sponsoring us if they aren't spread too thin protecting the world from evil volano's. I'll be sure to visit when I'm in Vegas for my bday at the end of October - perhaps we should look into drafting a LOI.

My pants are hot-t because I fill them out.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Shoe knew?

HP03 has been pounding some serious pavement as of late and she thought she might need a new pair of kicks so she used the blog as an actual reference, digging up her July 25 post about her last shoe purchase. HP03 feared the reaper and discovered that by marathon day she will have run well over the 300 mile limit that the fancy running shoe peeps put on their gear and had to bite another $130 bullet and invest in yet another pair. I know, two months, how can shoes be ruined after two months? Well, as you can see in the photo to the left the untrained eye barely notices a difference, but if you flip the buggers over you start to see the tread wear. And if you make snarky comments about running not being cheap in a jazzy store that thrives on runners' need to pimpin' in hot-t gear you get the in-depth shoe exam.

As you will see if the photos below, the treads on a new pair, exhibit A, are nice and high and responsive and indicate a plush, supportive structure throughout. But if you check out exhibit B, you will see that the white has worn down to be level with the blue nucleus. And the blue/white/blue lightening bolt thingy (clearly for speed amplification), is worn down to a smudgy "weak link", indicating that HP03 still puts quite a bit of pressure on the balls of her foot. I have a high arch, lay off bitches. Anyway, if HP01 and HP02 have taught me anything (about the mother ship), I know that gear is key for sass factor (plus, years and years of sport and PT also told me something about something having to do with support or something. Blah blah blah. Sass.)

Long story short, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for supporting my lifetime need for excellent athletic footwear, especially those pricey, total sass-lacking basketball shoes I had to buy new every year in junior high while my feet chased my legs in growth spurts (making me a real catch at the dances -- think eye level) and for purchasing the latest round of shiny new Mizunos. Cheers! Thanks Mom!


Oh yeah HPO4 swam and ran over the weekend and did pilates Monday night with HP01. Pilates was a much quieter event - i.e. the great farting wonder woman laid off the franks & beans before class. But, some other woman must have had a plate of eggs of something because there were some silent but very deadly's going around. I seriously almost gagged. But pilates was a great success none the less! So, it continues....

I'm Coming Bobby!!!!

After last night's workout I reached two conclusions 1.) I can handle any open water swim - particularly if it's in foul weather, 2.) if my current career path doesn't work out for me I can leave it all and become a rescue swimmer for the coast guard.

After running I went to the pool for to swim. I hopped in the pool feeling pretty good, but halfway through my second set I began to take on water with each breath. I began to focus on my stroke thinking I was getting sloppy due to fatigue. How could I possibly be tired already? Could it be egg whites, three quarters of a chicken breast, a handful of popcorn and M&M's wasn't enough food for the day to sustain me through a workout? Seems unlikely but, I made a mental note to eat more M&M's before my next training session just to be safe. As I struggled through the water, I realized it wasn't my stroke but rather the pool was actually quite choppy. Choppy is an understatement. I felt like I was swimming through the Atlantic to rescue Bobby Shatford during The Perfect Storm. (And well who wouldn't want to rescue Mark Whalberg. HP04, "Oh you poor thing you're soaking wet - let me help you out of those wet clothes. We'd better warm you up with body heat...")

I reached the end of my set, pulled myself back to reality and held onto the wall for dear life. I was being bounced around like a goldfish in the spin cycle. I looked around the pool and there was a little girl in a life jacket bouncing around having the time of her life as if she was at typhoon lagoon. As my body hurtled against the wall again, the booming music and calls to "keep it going ladies" got louder, it dawned upon me - the water aerobics class!! Now, this isn't just any water aerobics class. It's one for, how shall we say...heavier set women. When I came into the pool I was so impressed by the group of them all working their hearts out together and having the time of their lives. I thought to myself - how great! But, when you put 20 women all well over 250 lbs in a pool bouncing up and down in a pool - they make hurricane Rita look like a pussy. I've never seen a pool with so many large waves before (and I've spent a lot of time in pools!!!). This was rediculous. I struggled through the remained of my workout and made a mental note to not come to the pool until after 7:45 - the end of Hurricane Water Aerobics. I went home exhausted in need of more M&M's only to realize I'd left them at the office and was too tired to go and get a stash for home. It was a rough night at sea.....

Monday, September 19, 2005

Well-a, I like 'em real wild, b-boy style by the (20) mile

HP03 ran 20 miles on Sunday morning. Yes. Despite her concerns heading into the run (mainly the left hip and right shin), she felt amazing. In fact, at mile 19 she figured eh, what the heck, and made a mad dash for the house, ending the longest run of her life with a kick. Eat dust Carl Lewis (for HP edification, CL used to take his sweet time out of the blocks and then came up in the end to win with mad kick). Mid-run HP03 realized her mind had wandered to Team Caliente Pantalones and her ramblings for her Monday post, when she found herself wishing she had her digi-cam to snap a few pics of SB's bum, which kept her going when she fell behind (and filled her ears with Salt N' Pepa sass, "Can I get some fries with that shake shake booty?").

Today she hobbles a bit, but the silver lining is that the limp gives her an excuse to tell strangers on the street that she ran 20 miles this weekend. So what if they don't ask...

Two key lessons were learned on Sunday: First, HP03 will finish the Marine Corps Marathon on October 30, 2005. Second, Strawberry Banana goo is not very good on its own, but mix it with a chocolate goo packet and it's like fondue to go.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Epic Bike Adventure + Madonna-Rama at Home= Back Trouble for HP02

HP02's training schedule continues to conflict with her wild lifestyle. Saturday morning HP01 & 02 diligently hit the road early, driving to Herndon to bike the less congested section of the Washington & Old Dominion Trail. As HP01 so eloquently put it, sometimes there's nothing like mounting the boys (Niel and Ricardo) on a Saturday morning and working it on the bike trail! They biked 30 miles in 2 hours, with only one potty stop and a short breather. HP02's bike, Ricardo, is still a bit too small for her, and her back was aching by the end of the expedition. Good thing she has no time to be a pussy. Anyway, HP02 mistakenly had only a cup of yogurt for breakfast, and as such the post-ride apetite was nearly unbearable. So the HPs promptly hauled ass home for a visit to Los Amigos for some unbelieveably tasty Mexican food. Although HP02 has hit rock bottom, failing miserably in her search for the CBF, she has ID'd another requirement for the next CBF candidate- a passion for Mexican food.
The rest of HP02's day was spent in a food coma that prompted a 3 hour nap, forcing her to stay home to get chores done instead of going out. Chores were indeed done, but they took twice as long because whenever the Immaculate Collection is pulled out, a serious dance party ALWAYS ensues. HP02 suspects that the sharp pain in her lower back today has something to do with her SWEET dance moves to 'Vogue' and 'Like a Prayer'. But one thing is for sure: she is going to rock the house the next chance she gets her hands on the kareoke mic...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Advice Please...

Long story short, HP03 is wondering if it's ok for her to run in a push-up bra...?

And does it help if it's in keeping with the team color?

It Begins

Having eaten a rice krispie treat the size of a small child, nearly a bag of pretzels with peanut butter, and what felt like 12 lbs of sushi for lunch HP04 (properly weighed down with a ton of crap in her stomach) decided it would be a good day to begin training at the pool. Having not been in a pool, other than to cool off from a hard afternoon of tanning (for those of you that know how white I am insert smart ass comment here) in what feels like 10 years, I was concerned instead of being the sleak swimmer I once was I would rather be like a large whale moving through the water who after a few quick laps would go belly up. I took it easy not wanting to overdo it - primarily because I was afraid if I pushed it too hard I wouldn't be able to lift my arms to put on my bra in the morning which could be just all around dangerous for everyone - and had great success! Having tested the waters (no pun intended) I'm ready to begin training balls to the walls style (if only so that I can continue to eat rice kripsie treats the size of small children without guilt!!!)

This weekend - I go shopping for gear!!! HP01 I found a great website with 50 swim workouts you might want to check out in our links section.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

HP02 Flirts with a Lesbian while Selling her Soul to the Devil

This week HP02 has been perpetually sore. Tuesday was a mini bi-athlon at the gym...just a mile and a half running, a meager 5 miles on the bike, and then leg-lifts mixed with other ab work totaling around 100 reps, and then around 100 reps with the 10lb weights for the upper body. UGH. Still diligently biking to work each day, HP02 has noticed that the only other person who uses the ladies locker room at work is a butch "Pat" type...nothing like having to change out of the sports bra with a lesbian looking over your shoulder. Yesterday, after a summer of nervous glances, she finally talked to me, commenting on how embarrassing it is to forget white socks to work out in and being forced to workout in black ones. I was surprised to hear her speak. As I left the locker room I said "have a nice socks and all!", and she laughed like only a lesbian can after a lame comment like that.
HP02 is unable to get hired at a reputable place of work, and has resigned herself to being the best little secretary in the whole Military Industrial Complex. Well she definitely has the Hottest Pants...

Oh HP02, Where are you?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm hip, I'm with it.

Last night HP03 ran six quick miles - mainly on a nice, squishy, rubber track one mile from her house. A cramp across the top of her foot went ignored throughout the run as she stuck to HP02's motto, "Balls to the wall."

Post-run, HP03 experienced some pain in different parts her left leg. Apparently, the positioning of your foot strike is in fact important and can throw off many a muscle etc.

This morning as HP03 put her right foot, then left foot to the floor she stumbled across her room as the pain shot like a hot knife through butter across her hip.

She recovered, made 95 trips up and down the stairs in her new three story house to do/get laundry and made it to the office. She has hobbled all day. She is an old feeble woman, yet somehow remains a total badass. Go figure... However, she is considering a total hip replacement of her left hip, but has discovered some major drawbacks and has instead opted to cross her fingers real tight and treat it like a pissy sore muscle.

The moral of the story to all you HPs out there who are embarking on your running regimine is: don't force your entire body to compensate for a little pain for however many miles. It's very important to stay flexible and loose while running. Stop. Stretch it out. Carry on.

A little HP Confusion

While HP02 was there in spirit at lastnight's pilates class, she was definatly not there in person. Instead she was at home consoling herself with a nice glass of wine (or two). Being a career temp takes a toll on a girl, and while she should have been training in the gym to let off steam, old habits die hard. HP01 was probably the one doing pilates while dodging the fumes...


HP04 (newest team member - look for updated info soon) & HP02 began HP04's training with a pilates class Monday evening. Having never taken pilates HP04 wasn't quite sure what to expect but was encouraged by the stacked physique of the instructor. Now I was ready for some getting in touch with my inner self but the one thing I was not prepared for was the loud, noxious emissions coming from the ass of the woman next to me. The first blast elicited a comment from the instructor about "and that is why you shouldn't eat at least 3 hours prior to pilates". The next couple (one with each roll up we did) went ignored. Seriously what did this woman eat prior to class.... franks & beans? Mexican? I'm going to blame this on HP02 (who was safely across the room might I add) - it seems she is chased by individuals with gas problems everywhere she goes....the airplane...the gym....pilates least work is safe. By the way - not that sore today perhaps not all my stomach muscles have turned into fat! There's still hope!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Recruitment Weekend-O-Fun

HP01 & HP02’s weekend was dedicated to training for the October 15th Triathlon and recruiting new members to TeamCalientePantalones. Oh, and purchasing new running shoes for both HP01 & HP02…H-O-T! After the shoe shopping spree, the ladies held an impromptu meeting at Evening Star Café, which yielded 2 new HotPants recruits. Consumption of cosmos was kept to a 2 drink minimum so as to kick ass on Saturday for the self imposed mini-TRI at Lake Anna. FEEL THE BURN! After several hours of exercise, the ladies spotted the golden arches for a little culinary compensation.

HP01 Update: Sunday was a day of rest for HP01 (not really because she spent the day trimming the unruly English Ivy off her brick house…total retro bush!). This AM, HP01 went to the Y for some weight training. After which, she ran (in her new shoes) for a mile and finished the 2nd mile in a walk/run routine. Tonight, Pilates and much needed sleep!

FYI...HP01 will be on blog-hiatus until Thursday; She'll be melting in the desert. WELCOME HP04!

Spread the love.

Team Caliente Pantalones would like to take this post to welcome the newest member HP04! All we have to say HP04, is bring whatever game you've got!


HP03 never quite made that ten mile run this weekend, but she did get in some valuable cross-training by beating the hell out of Pedro and then gathering up as much donkey booty as possible. Bring on the candy necklaces! She's thinking she'll go ten tonight after work. Fun...

Eat this.

Redemption via the blog!?! Who would've thought...?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

HP01 heed's call from HP02

HP01 owes her successful finish in the Naylors Beach TRI to 2 things...consistant training with CoachHotSpeedo (hello, eye-candy!) and the $20 anti-fog goggles, Speedo Aqua Racer Optical. HP01 hates to push corporate products, but what the hell, HotPants ain't HotPants without top-of-the-line GEAR!

HP02 Comes Out with it

So while she intends to compete in the triathlon on 10/15, HP02 has suffered some setbacks. The celebration last week on the successful completion of triathlon #1 coupled with the post-Manhattan bike ride celebration this weekend has taken its toll on HP02. In a huge lapse of judgement, HP02 smoked a bit too many cigarettes, and drank way too much beer. As a result, HP02's lungs are in a fragile state this week. AND, pilates lastnight BURNED. Nuts. It usually doesnt burn like that. HP02 is learning that perhaps she is invinceable after all. Be that as it may, however, HP02 has never been one to wait around to get sick; tonight its balls to the wall on the bike. If a cold is comming, BRING IT ON.
In other news, HP02 is patiently waiting to hear from HP01 about the special goggles she needs to get to begin swim training...

Running with the sand between your toes...

HP03 is headed to the Outer Banks this weekend to celebrate Jen's wedding. HP03 has gone in on a big ol' beach house with some other DC kids.

In between parties, she will try to be sporty, but after 18 miles last Sunday and 4.5 last night, HP03 plans a fast-ish 10miler this weekend (and the big 2-0 next weekend). She hopes that at least part of the run will be on a sandy beach with this guy:

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

That's what I'm talkin' about

HP03 ran the big 18 this Sunday. She is now convinced that she will be able to complete a marathon. About two-thirds of the way through the run, it popped into her mind that she could indeed run another six to finish a marathon. It then occurred to her that her math was off by 2.5 miles, an impossible feat. She has since recovered and is sure to carry Team Caliente Pantalones to their first marathon victory...and if she doesn't make it, there are Marines all along the course that will carry victory.

Queer Eye for the Bike Ride: HP02 and NJHomoFab Take Manhattan

It was a great weekend for biking in the Big Apple!! Kudos to NJHomoFab for a great idea...we biked from his house in Nutley, NJ through the latin barrio (how you doin, vato?;)) to Newark, then we took the subway to the World Trade Center. From there we biked the West Side Highway all the way up to Central Park, where we did two and a half laps, caught a street dance show, and some middle-aged interpretive dance on roller-blades...fantastic! From there we headed north through Harlem, up to the George Washington Bridge, crossed the bridge (check out the view), and then back down the other side of the river to Hoboken. After taking the subway back to Newark we completed the final leg back home. Total mileage: 47 miles. That night we ate sushi like we've never eaten sushi before!
Viva NJHomoFab!! Just look at him in those hot pants...he gets the honorary "if-you-were-a-girl-you'd-totally-be-in-the-club" mention!