Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Well-a, I like 'em real wild, b-boy style by the (20) mile

HP03 ran 20 miles on Sunday morning. Yes. Despite her concerns heading into the run (mainly the left hip and right shin), she felt amazing. In fact, at mile 19 she figured eh, what the heck, and made a mad dash for the house, ending the longest run of her life with a kick. Eat dust Carl Lewis (for HP edification, CL used to take his sweet time out of the blocks and then came up in the end to win with mad kick). Mid-run HP03 realized her mind had wandered to Team Caliente Pantalones and her ramblings for her Monday post, when she found herself wishing she had her digi-cam to snap a few pics of SB's bum, which kept her going when she fell behind (and filled her ears with Salt N' Pepa sass, "Can I get some fries with that shake shake booty?").

Today she hobbles a bit, but the silver lining is that the limp gives her an excuse to tell strangers on the street that she ran 20 miles this weekend. So what if they don't ask...

Two key lessons were learned on Sunday: First, HP03 will finish the Marine Corps Marathon on October 30, 2005. Second, Strawberry Banana goo is not very good on its own, but mix it with a chocolate goo packet and it's like fondue to go.


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