Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Recruitment Weekend-O-Fun

HP01 & HP02’s weekend was dedicated to training for the October 15th Triathlon and recruiting new members to TeamCalientePantalones. Oh, and purchasing new running shoes for both HP01 & HP02…H-O-T! After the shoe shopping spree, the ladies held an impromptu meeting at Evening Star Café, which yielded 2 new HotPants recruits. Consumption of cosmos was kept to a 2 drink minimum so as to kick ass on Saturday for the self imposed mini-TRI at Lake Anna. FEEL THE BURN! After several hours of exercise, the ladies spotted the golden arches for a little culinary compensation.

HP01 Update: Sunday was a day of rest for HP01 (not really because she spent the day trimming the unruly English Ivy off her brick house…total retro bush!). This AM, HP01 went to the Y for some weight training. After which, she ran (in her new shoes) for a mile and finished the 2nd mile in a walk/run routine. Tonight, Pilates and much needed sleep!

FYI...HP01 will be on blog-hiatus until Thursday; She'll be melting in the desert. WELCOME HP04!


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