Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Swim Advice from the Novice

Well ladies, one more consecutive post from HP02 and she will have to start charging people to post on her blog. Just kidding. This HP has had her fair share of weeks-at-a-time of being remiss at blogging, and has NO BUSINESS pointing the finger!

So tonight a trip to Alexandria was in order for a proper pool workout. Considerable distractions have cropped up since the weekend that have made for good excuses to not take the time to workout. Anyway, during the before-swim rinse off HP02 remembered to thoroughly wash her face this time, and chuckled as she recalled the first time she hit the pool after work. It was a few weeks ago, and due to HP impatience the pre-swim rinse off was pathetic at best. It was a good swim, but it was cut short due to some considerable visual interference. After investigation it was discovered that the eye make up had somehow exploded inside the goggles, which made this HP think perhaps she ruined the goggles. HP02 rushed to the bathroom, imagining herself looking like the KISS dude, which was NOT the kind of attention she wanted to attract after having spent the last 30 minutes sputtering and coughing after every 3rd stroke. So at least for HP02, the make up has got to go before the plastic is strapped on the face. Period.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Well I hate to complain, but hott has been freaking cold and icy of late. Truth be told, HP02 is getting real sick of the stationary bike. Im about to poke my eyeballs out looking at myself in the mirror as I try and imagine hauling ass up that gradual hill to Leesburg on the W&DO Trail with HP01, or working that hilly route to Vienna from Rosslyn with HP04. THANK GOODNESS for the warmer temperatures that are predicted for the later end of this week! OK perhaps I was born and raised in CO, but at least there when its snowing, its freaking snowing. And then it melts, like within a couple of days. But I'll tell you what, all I know is that day light savings time is scheduled to start around March 11 this year, thanks to the United States House of Representatives, and when that happens, provided this icy BS melts off, this HP is planning on busting out on the outdoor scene!!

And now lets remember what the HOTPANTS were doing this time last year...we laughed, we cried, we had a GREAT time, thanks to Uncle Bear and Auntie Rayne. Good times. Definatly some solid "I-love-you-man" moments!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

4th Week of Training is a Bust

Well, its HP02 again, and just so you know, one component of the HP02 New Years Resolution package included journaling more, so guess what, the HotPants blog satisfies this requirement perfectly. Sorry ladies! So this week I have been woefully inept at keeping up the training momentum. The damn weather has contributed to this unfortunate turn of events considerably. Monday night was bike extravaganza at the MID gym, followed by 200 reps of ab work, but Tuesday I braved the weather to commute to the pool, only to find that the YMCA was closed. BOLLOCKS. AND it was closed on Wednesday as well. But that ended up not mattering, because for VD I went out with a colleague, drank too much and ended up getting home late, drunk and unable to go to sleep, which ruined Thursday's training ambitions. How easily discouraged I become- at any time I could have gone back to the MID gym for a proper workout, but opted out. So by tonight I was ready and rearing to go. Tonight turned out to be brick night: 30 minutes on the bike, followed by 2 miles of running on the treadmill, and about 150 ab reps (that involved the exercise ball- EW). I was happy with this progress, as I HATE ruining a great bike ride with running. Tonight this HP hasnt been able to relax, however, due to the fact that I keep thinking about HP07's advise from HighSchool regarding sit-ups- apparently if you don't do your ab work sucking it in, your stomach will solidify in a protruded configuration. And since she's been a decorated basketball sensation since the 8th grade, I will always defer to her...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

An HP tribute to the late Chris Farley

Chris Farley, the man the legend, would have been 43 years old today. Lets have a moment of laughs for one of the best comedians to have come out of Saturday Night Live...

Happy Birthday Aquarius HotPants

A special shout-out to HP03 and HP10 on their special day! According to the WaPo, your day is looking sassy..."Get ready to have a great day! A lot of positive energy is circulating between you and your friends right now, and you all will be feeding off of the good vibes you're sending to one another. This is a wonderful day for parties, shopping trips, and fun dinners in restaurants that have good sound systems. Don't fight the urge to dance if it overtakes you -- your moves will make you the star of the dance floor! Do not take anything too seriously."
HP03 & HP10's Humorscope for the day is a bit more telling..."You are the academic type and will probably end up working in the legal system. This means you are an absolute pervert, at the least a transvestite. Your ideal sexual partner is a Labrador puppy wearing fishnet tights."

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy VD, Ladies!

One of 2006 Funniest Moments

Late one evening, after some adult beverages with the Old Town crowd, the founding HPs were caught in bit of a predicament…HP03 borrowed HP04’s snazzy car, which somehow failed to start, just minutes before having to pick-up 04 at the airport. So, the ingenious HP03 called on 01 & 02 for help. Irony of all Ironies…it’s the Molotov Cocktail to the rescue! Observe HP02's vintage dodge neon kick-starting HP04's MB hotrod. Classic!

Oh Purple Monster, Why You No Blog?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feel me flow

After getting the go ahead from my doctor at the 6 week check-up, I put on the snazzy running outfit Pico got me for Christmas – which unfortunately looked like something painted on the Michilen tire guy – and embarked on my first post-pregnancy run last Saturday. Holy moly, ladies, it is a hard road back. I went about 2 and half miles, small potatoes, and everything felt good except for my legs. They felt like lead and were like, “WTF? Do you seriously expect us to cart around this extra 30 pounds?” My pace was pathetically slow and I sweat like a pig, but it all felt FANTASTY!!! I went for a 3 mile run again on Monday and already feel faster and sleeker. “So clap your hands and grab yo’ sho’tie, I’m naughty.”

Monday, February 12, 2007

Death By Chips & Salsa

Well this weekend HP02 had class, but still managed to get some training in. Most of this training has been for naught, however, as HP02 cant keep her hands off the chips and salsa. Dinner last night: chips and salsa. Lunch today: chips and salsa. HP02 is desperatly weak when it comes to the food she loves. Dang it.

Anyway, Saturday it was 30 minutes on the treadmill, Sunday a half an hour in the pool, and then upper body weights at the Y. Today will be a bike day - the upper body is too painful for anything else!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Keeping it Going

It must be noted that the new alliance with google pretty much rocks. It is so much easier to post comments, and it loads so much quicker now! HP02 could blog forever!

Tonight HP02 is heading back to the pool, for more laps. Yesterday was a lunch time upper body weights session and last night a 30 minute run on the treadmill. One of the many perks of working for the military industrial complex is the presence of a full gym in the building- there really is no excuse for HP02 not to be ripped- if only she could learn to get out her workplace frustration downstairs in the gym instead of after work with a bottle of wine...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We Are Suburbanites, Thats Mother-Effin Right

Well, ladies, it looks as though we all have the same thing on the brain these days: "You need to get your sluggish ass to the gym, sister". And tonight, with all excuses evading me, I schlepped down to my new gym, the Y, for the inaugural pool episode. What a breath of fresh air, the local YMCA in suburbia. It was nearly 100% different than the pretension that comes from chicks the size of toothpicks with competitive eating disorders at the Georgetown WSC.

HP02 would like to publicly thank HP07, the Siete, for tricking her older sister into going to the gym tonight. After explaining to the Siete all the logical reasons why HP02 HATES swimming in general and public pools in particular, the Siete replies "I'm going to call you tomorrow, and if you didn't go to the pool I'll expose you for the trash-talking pussy you are". Ok she didn't say it like that, but that's how I took it (because she is my little punk sister). ;) She is brilliant, however, because that thought is what drove HP02 to the gym, into the pool, and thru 12 laps. It was horrible, but ain't nobody gonna call HP02 a pussy!!! As usual, HP02 screwed up the directions-according to the "0 to 1650 in six weeks" training schedule, the first time you are supposed to do 100 for 12 breaths...repeat 3 times. HP just glanced at the # 12 and thought that that was the objective for the evening. As one would imagine, after 4 laps, the breaks between got longer and longer. I expect to learn my lesson from over-doing it tomorrow when I cant get out of bed.

An observation about swimming: HP02 needs to spend some time chilling in the pool, face down. When my face is in the water I am so bloody tense! Tonight, towards the end of my lapping, I began to see what HP01 means when she says swimming can be relaxing, but this HP has a LONG way to go. I don't see how you crazy girls can survive swimming amongst all those other competitive athletes. I'm going to die of hyperventilation.

HP02 has been back on the training wagon for 2 and a half weeks now, and its slowly getting easier to deal with always being sore. In an attempt to be conscious of all factors that go into training, Ive been keeping a food journal, as well as an exercise journal. HP02 was truly appalled to see the amount of alcohol consumed per week, and has scaled it back to a once a week restriction. Fitness goals for 2007: one triathlon (TBD), one century ride (TBD), 2 CO 14,000 ft. peaks, and MAD camping/rock climbing/hiking/mountain biking.

One last thing. As a relay-cyclist, I have never spent much time in the pool or running. Ive been running 2 days a week for the last couple of weeks now, and I must say its damn painful to my left hip. The only way to stretch the muscle affected is to lay on my left side and prop myself up on my elbow. Has anyone ever pulled that muscle? It is bloody painful and I don't know whether I should power thru it or what. Any ideas?

Back at it...

Yesterday was HP04s return to the pool!!! It felt GREAT to be back in the pool and although i haven't swam in almost 4 months (i'm embarrassed to say. well wait i did swim in Thailand. Although i guess that was really just floating. yep, 4 months) the dreaded return wasn't bad at all! I didn't drowned, and while i flailed around quite a bit i enjoyed the swim.

Being a hearty girl from upstate NY, I LOVE the winter. I LOVE cold weather. And I really LOVE snow! And while i'm not complaining I'd like to note the fact that it is damn cold out! For this HP the idea of stripping off her clothes, putting on bathing suit and getting wet is complete torture. But, i was determined this was going to be the week to get back into the pool. I almost back out until i remembered the free hot cocoa machine at the Y. Mmmmmmmmm hot cocoa. I swam a mile and was pretty pleased with my time (under 35 minutes) for not having been in a pool for 4 months. I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to lift my arms today but i'm not that sore. Goodness all around. Although I do have some tips for my fellow HPs.

Tips on returning to the pool:
1. Do NOT leave your swimsuit in the car all day long. One wouldn't think a swim suit could be cold But, trust me it brings a chill to places you don't want chilled.
2. Hot Cocoa machine is a MUST in this dreadful cold!!!! But, Dunkin' Donuts has the BEST hot cocoa.
3. Don't forget a hat for post swim car ride home. I was rather impressed with myself that I remembered to bring comfy clothes so i didn't have to put my work clothes on post swim. In fact, the outfit bottoms were tossed in my bag. With the outfit bottoms i brought a sports bra and t-shirt. Brilliant - warm bottom cold top. So, i put on the outfit bottoms, sports bra (almost went without but thought the added layers might do the boobs some good), t-shirt, work sweater, scarf and work jacket. I'd like to add that everything was a different color. Bottoms - black, shirt - baby blue, sweater - pink, coat - winter white, scarf - baby blue. I looked like some kind of athletic bag lady. Got home and my hair was crispy from the cold.
4. CHECK YOUR SWIM SUITS LADIES!!!! (i refer you to ocho's post "the incredible eating speedo"). Ocho got me thinking about my suit. Sure enough when I got to the gym it had melted away to just about nothing. Aware that my ass was probably visible I carefully wrapped a towel around my waist took the Ocho approach and said "eh, fuck it" and headed into the pool for one last swim. This was working out for me, until half way through my swim i realized my boobs were wiggling around quite a bit and I realized its because my suit has NO support left. So there i am - swimming in a probably very see through suit with no support. I'm sure it was quite the vision. In fact, at one point I caught a boy of about 13 staring at my boobs. I couldn't’t see anything but, I suspect he could see right through; he certainly saw something he liked. Creepy. If word gets out about the HPs suits the 6:00 swim hour could become VERY popular at the Y.
5. Worrying about cold pool is wasted anxiety. The Y pool is nice and toasty warm. In was warmer than the air temp, I didn't want to get out - in part because felt exposed in my see through bathing suit.
6. Hot cocoa, turkey peperoni, and a bottle of wine, while a delicious dinner, is NOT a balanced post swim meal.

This week was return to the gym. Next week is sports nutrition. I realized as i was writing this that my nutrition yesterday consisted of:
breakfast - egg white omelet & coffee
lunch - three pieces of turkey with a slice of fat free cheese melted on top. (disgusting? yes! but it was so cold i didn't want to go out and get anything else)
afternoon snack - 2 pieces of cheese
Dinner - hot cocoa, turkey peperoni & wine

This is not the diet of an athlete. Hahaha - just had a thought. its rather like HP03's random diet of weird stuff. Shout out to HP03!!!

In conclusion, another shout out this one to Ocho! Congrats on signing up for your first TRI. It def is a TRI and i can't wait to ring the cowbell for you. Your stationary location will free up many of the logistical planning that goes into HP cheering events.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

News from the fat one!!

Silenced by my 60 pounds of weight gain during my pregnancy (see ginormous photo), I am now back on the blog to document the come-back of the siete!!!!

I had no intention of gaining that much weight, but after the first 6 months of eating right and exercising regularly, I had already gained the recommended maximum of 40 pounds. With three more months to go, I went ahead and stopped trying so hard as it seemed futile. That sort of attitude is a disgrace to the HP name, I know, but you just get damn hungry with a baby growing inside of you. An illogical and insane part of myself wished I would deliver a 60 pound baby so I could leave the hospital looking like my normal self. But, she only weighed 7.3 lbs. . . . . . The good news is my genitals are still in tact as, they would surely have been shredded by a 60 pound baby, and I have already lost 30 pounds due to the fat burning powers of breast feeding. So, it is upwards and onwards from here. I have signed up for the Steamboat half-marathon at the beginning of June and plan to start running as soon as I get the okay from my doctor. The only challenge I foresee is large, milk-filled breasts and running. I’ll keep you posted. I shall leave you with a photo of my beautiful daughter. All of the weight gain, pain of birth, and sleeplessness pale in comparison to the joy she has brought us!!! SIETE OUT.

My Milk Shake Brings all the Boys to the YMCA / The Incredible Eatable Speedo

Once upon a time in a land far, far away called Alexandria there lived a swimsuit named Speedo. Now this was a good and trusty swimsuit that served who owner well until one day she just couldn't take it and decided to eat her beautiful purple self while being stored in her beautiful purple swim bag.
That's right, Ladies, the Ocho's swimsuit committed...well I don't know what you call it when you dissolve your own lining, but that's what it did. It's really quite tragic. HP08 got to the Y on Thursday night to find a thread bare purple speedo tucked neatly away in her swim bag. How does this type of thing happen you may ask? HP08 has no idea. It will be a mystery that will outlive us all. However, did this stop the Ocho from going swimming!?! No! And do you know why? Because HP08 is dedicated to her craft! (And she had already driven all the way out there...) So, the Ocho decided to strap on her trusty training suit for one farewell swim. She did a few spins in front of the mirror in the locker room to try and ensure that she wasn't going to be putting on a show for the rest of the gym and decided that she was going to be ok. In retrospect, the Ocho probably didn't fully appreciate the impact that water would have on the thinning suit and it's ability to cover up her Hoo-ha. So, HP08 and the Speedo had a perfectly pleasant last swim together, (the Ocho is still on week one of her training program) but she's pretty sure that the hotty lifeguard got a pretty good show of her threadbare backside as HP08 hauled herself out of the far side of the pool. Oh least the Speedo got to go out in style. Nothin' but class, ladies, nothing but class.