Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Back at it...

Yesterday was HP04s return to the pool!!! It felt GREAT to be back in the pool and although i haven't swam in almost 4 months (i'm embarrassed to say. well wait i did swim in Thailand. Although i guess that was really just floating. yep, 4 months) the dreaded return wasn't bad at all! I didn't drowned, and while i flailed around quite a bit i enjoyed the swim.

Being a hearty girl from upstate NY, I LOVE the winter. I LOVE cold weather. And I really LOVE snow! And while i'm not complaining I'd like to note the fact that it is damn cold out! For this HP the idea of stripping off her clothes, putting on bathing suit and getting wet is complete torture. But, i was determined this was going to be the week to get back into the pool. I almost back out until i remembered the free hot cocoa machine at the Y. Mmmmmmmmm hot cocoa. I swam a mile and was pretty pleased with my time (under 35 minutes) for not having been in a pool for 4 months. I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to lift my arms today but i'm not that sore. Goodness all around. Although I do have some tips for my fellow HPs.

Tips on returning to the pool:
1. Do NOT leave your swimsuit in the car all day long. One wouldn't think a swim suit could be cold But, trust me it brings a chill to places you don't want chilled.
2. Hot Cocoa machine is a MUST in this dreadful cold!!!! But, Dunkin' Donuts has the BEST hot cocoa.
3. Don't forget a hat for post swim car ride home. I was rather impressed with myself that I remembered to bring comfy clothes so i didn't have to put my work clothes on post swim. In fact, the outfit bottoms were tossed in my bag. With the outfit bottoms i brought a sports bra and t-shirt. Brilliant - warm bottom cold top. So, i put on the outfit bottoms, sports bra (almost went without but thought the added layers might do the boobs some good), t-shirt, work sweater, scarf and work jacket. I'd like to add that everything was a different color. Bottoms - black, shirt - baby blue, sweater - pink, coat - winter white, scarf - baby blue. I looked like some kind of athletic bag lady. Got home and my hair was crispy from the cold.
4. CHECK YOUR SWIM SUITS LADIES!!!! (i refer you to ocho's post "the incredible eating speedo"). Ocho got me thinking about my suit. Sure enough when I got to the gym it had melted away to just about nothing. Aware that my ass was probably visible I carefully wrapped a towel around my waist took the Ocho approach and said "eh, fuck it" and headed into the pool for one last swim. This was working out for me, until half way through my swim i realized my boobs were wiggling around quite a bit and I realized its because my suit has NO support left. So there i am - swimming in a probably very see through suit with no support. I'm sure it was quite the vision. In fact, at one point I caught a boy of about 13 staring at my boobs. I couldn't’t see anything but, I suspect he could see right through; he certainly saw something he liked. Creepy. If word gets out about the HPs suits the 6:00 swim hour could become VERY popular at the Y.
5. Worrying about cold pool is wasted anxiety. The Y pool is nice and toasty warm. In was warmer than the air temp, I didn't want to get out - in part because felt exposed in my see through bathing suit.
6. Hot cocoa, turkey peperoni, and a bottle of wine, while a delicious dinner, is NOT a balanced post swim meal.

This week was return to the gym. Next week is sports nutrition. I realized as i was writing this that my nutrition yesterday consisted of:
breakfast - egg white omelet & coffee
lunch - three pieces of turkey with a slice of fat free cheese melted on top. (disgusting? yes! but it was so cold i didn't want to go out and get anything else)
afternoon snack - 2 pieces of cheese
Dinner - hot cocoa, turkey peperoni & wine

This is not the diet of an athlete. Hahaha - just had a thought. its rather like HP03's random diet of weird stuff. Shout out to HP03!!!

In conclusion, another shout out this one to Ocho! Congrats on signing up for your first TRI. It def is a TRI and i can't wait to ring the cowbell for you. Your stationary location will free up many of the logistical planning that goes into HP cheering events.


  • At 10:47 PM, Blogger Team Caliente Pantalones said…

    DANG IT!! I forgot about the cocoa! I guess I was so excited about my accomplishment. I will have to be sure and get some next time.


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