Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

4th Week of Training is a Bust

Well, its HP02 again, and just so you know, one component of the HP02 New Years Resolution package included journaling more, so guess what, the HotPants blog satisfies this requirement perfectly. Sorry ladies! So this week I have been woefully inept at keeping up the training momentum. The damn weather has contributed to this unfortunate turn of events considerably. Monday night was bike extravaganza at the MID gym, followed by 200 reps of ab work, but Tuesday I braved the weather to commute to the pool, only to find that the YMCA was closed. BOLLOCKS. AND it was closed on Wednesday as well. But that ended up not mattering, because for VD I went out with a colleague, drank too much and ended up getting home late, drunk and unable to go to sleep, which ruined Thursday's training ambitions. How easily discouraged I become- at any time I could have gone back to the MID gym for a proper workout, but opted out. So by tonight I was ready and rearing to go. Tonight turned out to be brick night: 30 minutes on the bike, followed by 2 miles of running on the treadmill, and about 150 ab reps (that involved the exercise ball- EW). I was happy with this progress, as I HATE ruining a great bike ride with running. Tonight this HP hasnt been able to relax, however, due to the fact that I keep thinking about HP07's advise from HighSchool regarding sit-ups- apparently if you don't do your ab work sucking it in, your stomach will solidify in a protruded configuration. And since she's been a decorated basketball sensation since the 8th grade, I will always defer to her...


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