Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We Are Suburbanites, Thats Mother-Effin Right

Well, ladies, it looks as though we all have the same thing on the brain these days: "You need to get your sluggish ass to the gym, sister". And tonight, with all excuses evading me, I schlepped down to my new gym, the Y, for the inaugural pool episode. What a breath of fresh air, the local YMCA in suburbia. It was nearly 100% different than the pretension that comes from chicks the size of toothpicks with competitive eating disorders at the Georgetown WSC.

HP02 would like to publicly thank HP07, the Siete, for tricking her older sister into going to the gym tonight. After explaining to the Siete all the logical reasons why HP02 HATES swimming in general and public pools in particular, the Siete replies "I'm going to call you tomorrow, and if you didn't go to the pool I'll expose you for the trash-talking pussy you are". Ok she didn't say it like that, but that's how I took it (because she is my little punk sister). ;) She is brilliant, however, because that thought is what drove HP02 to the gym, into the pool, and thru 12 laps. It was horrible, but ain't nobody gonna call HP02 a pussy!!! As usual, HP02 screwed up the directions-according to the "0 to 1650 in six weeks" training schedule, the first time you are supposed to do 100 for 12 breaths...repeat 3 times. HP just glanced at the # 12 and thought that that was the objective for the evening. As one would imagine, after 4 laps, the breaks between got longer and longer. I expect to learn my lesson from over-doing it tomorrow when I cant get out of bed.

An observation about swimming: HP02 needs to spend some time chilling in the pool, face down. When my face is in the water I am so bloody tense! Tonight, towards the end of my lapping, I began to see what HP01 means when she says swimming can be relaxing, but this HP has a LONG way to go. I don't see how you crazy girls can survive swimming amongst all those other competitive athletes. I'm going to die of hyperventilation.

HP02 has been back on the training wagon for 2 and a half weeks now, and its slowly getting easier to deal with always being sore. In an attempt to be conscious of all factors that go into training, Ive been keeping a food journal, as well as an exercise journal. HP02 was truly appalled to see the amount of alcohol consumed per week, and has scaled it back to a once a week restriction. Fitness goals for 2007: one triathlon (TBD), one century ride (TBD), 2 CO 14,000 ft. peaks, and MAD camping/rock climbing/hiking/mountain biking.

One last thing. As a relay-cyclist, I have never spent much time in the pool or running. Ive been running 2 days a week for the last couple of weeks now, and I must say its damn painful to my left hip. The only way to stretch the muscle affected is to lay on my left side and prop myself up on my elbow. Has anyone ever pulled that muscle? It is bloody painful and I don't know whether I should power thru it or what. Any ideas?


  • At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wait one damned minute. Did HP02 move to the burbs, or simply move gyms? DenverHotPants and ChicagoHotPants cannot possibly be the only non-suburban HP's left.

  • At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, and one more thing . . . DHP finally returned to the gym, post bronchitis, last saturday, and has been everyday since. Oh my god, am I sore.

  • At 10:52 AM, Blogger hp02 said…

    HELLS NO! HPo2 remains an urban dweller...the Y is the only place with a decent pool.
    PS GREAT WORK DenverHotPants!!!

  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger Team Caliente Pantalones said…

    Ahhhhh yeah! Momma tells it like it is, and 02 answered the call. Nothing but respect, non-pussy. -07


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