Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Monday, January 09, 2006

The IPod opens a whole new world to HP02

So this weekend HP02 figured out how to work her new IPod Shuffle, and the revolution began. Lastnight was spent downloading music (thank you HP07 for the itunes gift certificates under the Christmas tree!) in anticipation for the very ambitious week ahead: hard cardio and extensive weights every day after work. Thank goodness for the beloved Shuffle!! Tonight HP02 biked for 30 minutes, (level 15, 97-110 RPMs the entire time!), ran a mile in 10 minutes (speed: 6.5), did 200 reps of ab work, and worked the arms with 105 reps using the 7.5 lb weights, when it was all said and done. It was all possible thanks to a soundtrack that kicked some sweet Matthew McConaughey ASS!! And what was on the turbo soundtrack, you ask? Electronica: BT, Prodigy, The Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, a little Madonna, Aurelius, and New Order. You must understand that I havent had a portable music device since the year 2000...DONT JUDGE ME!!

My triathlon training schedule consists of many small goals, the first one being able to run 4 miles at lunch with the boys at work. Since running is one of my least favorite things to do, this HP needs some work. And those guys are serious athletes. Hence the kicking it into high gear. Like Uncle Bear always says, you cant run with the big dogs if youre going to piss like a puppy!

In other news, I would like to introduce the HP community to a great product for atheletes that is quite effective in boosting energy and maximizing workouts: FRS Plus. Last year I worked for a consulting company that was trying to get the army to put this product in soldier's MREs. It is a cocktail of many vitimins and anti-oxidents, and it comes in the form of a drink or chews. All natural. Check it out at I am not doing it justice with my lame commentary. Once I get my finances back in order my first order of business is to stock up!


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