Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Iron Girl report, WAY after the fact

HP02 humbly apologizes for not blogging sooner about the AMAZING experience that was her first full triathlon. What great fun!! HP02 was nervous in anticipation for this event for weeks prior, having to run to the bathroom every time she started talking about her endeavor in any detail, but was miraculously able to pull it together on game day and successfully keep her nerves in check. This is huge personal progress for this HP, as in the past nerves have been a major obstacle to accomplishment.

Secondly, I SWAM .62 MILES IN AN URBAN LAKE!! EW! I still cant believe I did it- in fact, on the first half of the swim I got so focused on my rhythm that I overshot the first buoy. Yes, this time I was 'that swimmer' who pulled away from the pack in the complete wrong direction. Dang it! I corrected myself, however, and went on to finish the swim in 37 minutes, a feat I never thought I'd be able to pull off in my first full triathlon. Yihaw!

As I entered T1 I noticed that my neighbor on the bike rack had taken the liberty of moving my stuff, which was irritating, but became infuriating when I got on my bike and realized that the bitch had knocked the chain completely off the bike, wedging it between the frame and the gear shifter thing. It took at least 5 minutes to get it put back on- race staff even had to come over and help me! I guess I should thank her in the end, though, because my fury towards her was applied to the bike course- wait, is it unsportsman of me to have been saying 'fucking bitch' under my breath the whole way?

Anyway, by the time the run came around I had to PEE. But I continued on, and had to walk a few times due to stomach cramping. And this is the part where I realized quite acutely that I hadn't eaten enough for breakfast. That banana and Odwalla bar at 5 in the morning was NOT ENOUGH, because on the run I became so hungry!! I was going to take those Cliff Shots when I was biking, but they fell off the bike within the first 5 minutes.

So ladies, in short it was epic. HP08 and 09 were great fun to do this with, and HP01 ROCKS for coming up and cheering us on so early in the morning, and coming thru with the champagne toast at the end. But the prize goes to HotPantsColoradoParents, for coming out for the event from Colorado to cheer their firstborn on. They are champion fans!!


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