Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Upping through the Dating**

**Please note that nothing in this Blog post will actually relate to any person, place or thing going on a date and that the title is merely a play on the commonly known word "Updating."

So here we are, a little over a week since the Ocho decided to get her life back in order and all of the HPs may be wondering how it's going. Well here is a little update because surely, enquiringly minds want to know.
Laundry...While HP08 was knee deep in clean underpants for about a week, this little task has fallen a bit by the way-side and needs some further addressing. The Ocho vows to tackle this mess that keeps on giving this weekend.

The work out...
HP08 hit it pretty hard last week and was able to work out 6 out of 7 days. She hasn't been as good this week because she hasn't been feeling very well, but all in all, she's in a much better place emotionally about her training. Unfortunately, HP08 lost one of her awesomely cool bike gloves this weekend (God rest it's soul somewhere in the Arb), but she's already received a new pair from Land End and they're even more awesomely cool.
Also, the Ocho forgot the break the news to the OT HPs, but HP08 has decided to say goodbye to the YMCA and embrace her true urban self by taking up her swim training in the Eastern Market Pool. There are a few differences between the YMCA pool and the Eastern Market pool and they are outlined below.

YMCA pool -
Heated Water
Fresh, clean towels
Locker room with Sauna

Eastern Market Pool -
Freezing cold water
Bring your own towels
To clean the locker room they spray it down with bleach

Things you will see at the Eastern Market Pool that you probably won't see at the YMCA -
An 18 year old girl being thrown at your feet by her...somebody...because she won't go and get their child out of the pool while the somebody is carrying their newborn in his non-assault hand.

Things both pools have in common -
HP training buddies (HP09 calls the Eastern Market pool home)
lap lanes and water
Snotty desk attendants.

Biggest and most important difference?
$45 A MONTH!!!

So there it is. The Ocho has enjoyed her first few swims at her new pool and has gained a little in the streets smart department.


So far, HP08 is 1.8 pounds lighter than she was at the beginning of last week. This leaves her only 1 pound to lose until she's back on track with where she left off a few weeks ago. Most importantly for the anal retentive Ocho, though...she feels like her eating is under control and we all know how HP08 likes to be in control.

So there it is. 10 days in and going strong!

-Ocho Out.


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