Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Well the Ocho is proud to announce that HP02, HP08, and HP09 successfully completed the Columbia Iron Girl this weekend. Like there was ever any doubt!!! HP08 will let HP02 and HP09 tell there own version of events and post there own comments and/or pictures, but as for the Ocho, she felt pretty good about the whole experience.

The morning started early with a 4:15am wake up call for HP08 who then got to rouse HP02 from her slumbering spot on the Ocho's couch 10 minutes before her 4:30am alarm. Opps! Sorry HP02. HP09 picked the ladies up at 4:45am and the HP trio reached the race site before sunrise. Believe it or not, the HPs were beaten there by hundreds of other anxious women and the transition area was already packed and chaotic by the time they arrived. HP09 overheard one supportive spouse/father comment to his 2 year old sone, "There sure a lot of ladies here, buddy." That pretty much summed up the scene.

As for the actual race, the swim was a little rough for the Ocho. HP08 definitely felt the extra 350 meters, but all in all she improved her swim speed and managed not to puke up nasty-ass murky lake water on her jog back to the transition area. HP08 also finally bonded with her bike during the 17.5 mile hilly trek and got herself up to 35 miles an hour flying down one of the last hills. Surprisingly, she did this without slamming on her brakes or screaming bloody murder. The Ocho and her wheels did have one close call with a car that blew through a cop's "stop" sign, but she lived to ride another day. Finally, one the run, the Ocho got her time back down to 9 minute miles for the 3.4 miles which was her personal goal. So, all in all, it was a rewarding and overall excellent experience for HP08. She would highly recommend all of the HPs participate next year.

The Ocho would like to thank HP02 and HP09 for being amazing training buddies and HP01 gets a special shout-out for the above-and-beyond action of showing up at literally the crack of dawn to cheer the HPs on. HP01, you rock!!!

So, here are some photos of the Ocho's experience provided by HP01 and a little look at the end of HP08's journey courtesy of YouTube and HP01.

HP02 and HP08 waiting for their waves to start after HP09 had already hit the water.

The Ocho getting stretched out and ready to go for her swim wave.

HP08's wave in the water waiting for their big start.

The Ocho out of the water and heading for the transition area.

And finally, The Ocho’s finish…


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