Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Oh No Now I, I will Survive

Ladies and ladies, HP08 is proud to announce that she and Senor Ocho did in fact finish the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday in a time of 5 hours and 15 minutes, a pace of 12 minutes a mile. This was a bit slower than they had hoped for, but the ridiculous headwinds, some crampy legs and a pucky stomach didn't really help them out with that. All in all, the Ochos finished and that's all that really matters. HP08 would really like to thank HP01, HP02, HP03 and HP04 for spending the whole day chasing the Ochos around on their bikes. You ladies have no idea how helpful you were. Every time HP08 and Senor Ocho saw you, they felt the need to start running again even if they thought they were going to die. The HPs are probably responsible for cutting down their finishing time by half an hour. :) Seriously, though, nothing helps more that a good cheering section. Searching for the ladies and the family Ocho in the crowd was an excellent distraction and nothing can beat your friends and family showing their faith in you, especially when you’re losing it in yourself. Also, HP08 would like to thank all of the HPs for being her courage, support and inspiration over the last year. She really could never have done it without you. Ladies, you all have been a rock for the Ocho to lean on and each of you have contributed to the Ocho's effort in your own individual ways.
Here are some of the highlight photos with one final thought…HP08 would like to add that there are few things more satisfying in the world than setting a long term goal and achieving it, especially when 5 years ago she, and probably no one else in the world, would have thought she could do it. Many of the other HPs may have already experienced this feeling, but this was a first for HP08 and it was a good one. :)

The Ochos one mile in.

Papa Ocho and Sister Ocho cheering on the Ochos with an old family slogan

Coming out of hell/Hanes Point

The Ochos after their journey


  • At 8:27 PM, Blogger hp02 said…

    **Tear** Group Hug!! HP08, you are truly an inspiration!


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