Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Steppin' up
Ok Ladies, the marathon is a week from Sunday. That's right, just 11 short days until HP08 and Senor Ocho take off on the longest trek of their lives. Did you know that the first Greek man to run a marathon crossed the finish line and promptly died? Yeah, that's right, death. That's what we're facing here people!
The Ochos have spent the last week or so doing their regular runs and making sure to get their walking in too. HP08 went to the grocery store last night and loaded up on the healthy foods including plenty of protein and vegetables. The IT band is feeling MUCH better, and HP08 barely felt it on her 3 mile run in the rain last night. So, physically the Ocho is doing pretty well. She just needs to prepare mentally now. We're definitely in the home stretch and the Ocho is starting to get pretty nervous.

Are you Steppin'?
The Ochos are hoping that all of the HPs are going to be able to come out and cheer them on during the marathon. For HP08 especially, the cheering and encouragement makes all the difference in the world. The Ocho understands that the 29th is HP04's birthday, though, so hung-over cheering is fine too. :)

Steppin' in to the Ring
Well some of you already know this, but the Ochos got engaged on Friday night. Senor Ocho did an excellent job with both the proposal and the ring and HP08 was completely surprised. Both of the Ochos learning to say "fiancé" and getting used to concept of being together For-ev-er. The Ocho has already bought her first two bridal magazines, but was not willing to lay down the $10 for the nice ones so she got the $6 ones. Everyone, including the family Ocho, is very excited and looking forward to possibly a Christmas wedding in AZ.

(Senor Ocho and HP08 on their West Wing tour the morning after the proposal. )

(The ring in the Rose Garden)

Finally, we'll end this "steppin'" themed post with a shout out to good ol' Salt and Pepa:

All you gotta do is just step-step
Me and you, we're through so just step-step
All you gotta do is just step-step
I hate to be ya


  • At 7:28 PM, Blogger hp02 said…

    HOLY MOLY!! CONGRATULATIONS!! What great pictures-complete with the ring in the Rose Garden...

    HP02 will be there with the cowbell and PLENTY of HotPants spirit. Yihaw!!!!!

  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger HotPants01 said…

    Congrats to the Ocho and Senor Ocho! HP01 is very happy for both of you!


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