Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A hard Day's Night / The Age of Orange's the deal... The run didn't go exactly as planned on Saturday. It started off well enough. The Ochos got the fuel belts filled, they had their energy bars and they took off from Senor Ocho's house at 8am.
The first 14 miles went pretty smoothly despite the cold temperatures (lower 50s) and getting hit with rain between mile 5 and 7. But then the wind shifted and the temperature took a dive. It wasn't just cold, it was cold, wet and really windy. Senor Ocho's quad muscle was the first to pay the price, closely followed by HP08's IT band. The Ochos discussed it and decided that they could keep running, but they weren't sure what kind of damage they would do to themselves and whether it would be repairable in the next three weeks. So, they ended up walking/running (mostly walking) the next 8 miles. In total they did complete about 22 miles, but it wasn't exactly in the form they would have hoped. By the time they got back to Senor Ocho's house, the Ocho's fingers were so swollen from the cold that she couldn't bend them and all of the muscles in their bodies were in tight knots. They figured that finishing is what really counts even though they were pretty frustrated.
The Ochos did learn one thing on their great journey, though...runners are WAY TOUGHER THAN BIKERS! :) Throughout their 14 miles on the Parkway Trail, the Ochos ran in to a number of runners toughening out the cold, but how many bikers did they see? 3. This of course pleased Senor Ocho. (As some of you know Senor Ocho has a serious, completely irrational hatred for bikers.) But, what we have here is a clear indication that runners are more committed to their sport and that bikers are big wusses that were hiding out at home waiting for the skies to clear. ;)
In another bit of news, the Hp08 has invested in her last new pair of running shoes prior to the marathon. She's been running in them for about a week now and is pretty please. The Ocho was heart broken when they discontinued her beloved Asics 2100 but she has now made the smooth transition into the 2110. In fact, the Ocho is kind of liking the flashy new orange color. Tip a little out for the 2100s, though...they served her well.

2110s vs. 2100s


  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger hp02 said…

    Hey, you Ochos watch it-Who are you calling a wuss?? This biker was in class on Saturday, otherwise you would have seen me out there!!


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