Team Caliente Pantalones

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Friday, October 06, 2006

The evolution of the Ocho: a runner master, a trainer, a crime fighter?

Today, October 6, 2006, 22 days before the Marine Corps marathon, the Ocho prepares for her 23 mile run tomorrow morning. The first step? Updating the tunes:

It is time to replace many of the tunes on HP08's iPod shuffle. She is surprised at how many songs have been ruined by her training. Songs that used to get her pumped up now annoy her when they come on the radio because she associates them with miles and miles of running. Dixie Chicks, The Clarks, and Clay Aiken are now represented on the Ocho's 9 hour running mix.

The Ocho must then evaluate her physical situation. Sleep? Check. Food? Check. ( probably aren't actually supposed to eat McDonald's fries the day before a long run, but watcha gonna do.) Sore Iliotibial band? Check.

Soreness in the Iliotibial band is a fairly common injury for runners that HP08 expected to surface much earlier in her running, but her body has chosen to put this little ache and pain off until less than a month before the Big Day. There was an excellent article on the IT bands (that's what those of us that are in the know call it) in the Washington Post this week. "The iliotibial, or IT, band, a rope of fibrous tissue that extends from hip to knee, along the outside of the thigh. It can become cranky in us amateur fitness folk due to overuse or poor exercise form. The injury is most common in runners but also afflicts cyclists, swimmers, hikers and others who engage in repetitive, moderate-to-intense knee-flexing activities." You can find the article here:

HP08 also found this nifty diagram of a stretch you can do for your IT band:

The Ocho found it a little frightening and had trouble figuring out where all of the body parts were...

Finally, in preparation for her big run, the Ocho must prepare her soul. How does she do this? By becoming a CRIME FIGHTER!!!

While HP08 was running last night (during the day light her 3 mile path takes her from her house to RFK stadium and back) she witnessed a fight between a couple on the side of the road. The man had a hold of the woman's hair and was using it to try and drag her out of the car. After taking note of the man's face, the Ocho looped around, found the nearest cop and reported the crime. The cop took off in the direction of the argument. The Ocho felt that she had done her civic duty, but decided not to take that route by herself in the evening anymore.

So, here we go. Tomorrow's 23 miles will be the last big run before the marathon and the Ocho couldn't be more excited. With the 20 miles HP08 was filled with nothing but dread, but knowing that this is it before the marathon gives her more of a sense of excitement than total despair. We'll see how HP08 is feeling come Saturday evening, but for now, she's focusing on the excitement and not the inevitable pain. Giddy-up!


  • At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, the IT band stretch is freaky, in the Marc Foley kind of freaky. HP 08, just know that when you finish the marathon you will be the envy of all your peers who die on the eliptical machine after 50 minutes (given I do it at high altitue, but still). You rock the house!


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