Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Uno is Back, Baby!

A thousand apologies for ignoring the blog-world. HP01 has been most busy with work, traveling, training, and of course, triathlons. In the last 2 weeks, TCP has competed in 2 TRIs...Bath County Sprint and the Philadelphia Women's TRI.

The Bath County TRI was bittersweet. The heavy rains kept the HPs from camping out all weekend, but we still kicked some serious ass! HP01 is impressed with all the ladies that participated...HP03 (a record swim), HP04 (who came in 2nd place), HP08 (first competative swim), HP10 (first TRI as an HP), and our guest HPs...Rachel and Carly. HP01 dedicated her race to Kiley and finished a personal best of 2 hours and 4 minutes.

The ladies enjoy scenic Bath County.

Hot-T Rachel gets body marked and the HPs show off the OUTFITS!

HP01 poses with her bike, Neil, while the Duece (with Mr. Duece in tow) and 03 discuss pre-race details. Meanwhile, Hot-T Carly makes some final adjustments to her ride.

In the end, the numbers do the talking, proof that TCP dominates the Virginia TRI series!

TCP relay #1 (the Ocho & Carly): swim (HP08) 22:52; bike (Carly) 47:56; run (HP08) 26:36; total time 1:38:23

TCP relay #2 (the Duece & Rachel): swim (HP10) 20:01; bike (Rachel) 48:56; run 28:27; total time 1:38:26

HP04: swim 14:03; bike 42:41; run 30:28; total time 1:30:22

HP03: swim 19:19; bike 48:10; run 26:57; total time 1:37:31

HP01: swim 20:29; bike 55:22; run 43:56; total time 2:04:11


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