Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Friday, June 23, 2006

The really REALLY long recap of the GCBS

HP05 would once again like to apologize for not blogging sooner about her swim. HP05 completed the 4.4 mile swim across the Chesapeake Bay on June 11th in just over 3 hours and 13 minutes. Here is the really long recap…

It started off a little unfair because HP05 had to drive across the bridge, park her car, and get bussed BACK across the bridge to the start. That’s right, twice to see what she was about to swim. Then, she had to wait in the sun for 2 hours before the start. After many panic phone calls to her parents and friends, the pre-race meeting started. All nervous, HP05 squeezed into her wet suit, started with a base layer of body glide and then moved onto the Bag Balm. Once she was nice and greased up, she headed for the start.

The gun goes off
HP05 runs into the water, screaming silently in her head. It starts off as a normal open water swim. Fighting for spots, getting kicked (sometimes a bit to close to the face), trying to breath, etc. HP05 hits the turn to go in-between the bridges and is feeling really good. There it is, the orange marker with a big 1. Check time, 26 min.
The thought process of HP05 at this moment “HOLY SHIT!! This is awesome!! I ROCK!! Stay clam and breath. 3.4 miles to go. Here comes the curve.”

Then the straight south current hit. Within 50 strokes, HP05 had been pushed from the north bridge to the south bridge.
The thought process of HP05 at this moment “HOLY SHIT!! STAY IN THE COURSE! Stop swallowing the water! DON’T HIT THE PILINGS!” At this point, HP05 was starting to worry. Mile 2 was not in sight, the current was so bad that if she did breast stroke, she would make any forward progress or would go backwards. NOT GOOD!
Finally, mile 2 marker. Check time, 45 min. Not that bad. Unfortunately, HP05 is already really tired from trying to make forward progress.
The thought process of HP05 at this moment “HOLY SHIT!! Can I do this? I CAN’T DO THIS? Will people understand if I quit? NO, you paid too much to do this race! Why are you drinking too much of this water. YUCK! Shit, 2.4 miles to go. Can I do this???”

Still fighting current, trying to make progress. Look at a piling to the northeast, swim to it. Repeat. At this point HP05 is just concentrating on swimming. Nothing else. Unit 45 minutes goes by and she still doesn’t see the orange maker with the 3. Did she pass it? Oh no, 15 minutes later, there it is.
The thought process of HP05 at this moment “HOLY SHIT!! An HOUR! An HOUR to do 1 mile!! WTF!! I have never been so tired.. My arms really hurt. Shit, 1.4 miles to go. Wait, I just swam 3 miles. I am way over half way done. I think I can do this!”

45 minutes later, barely moving her arms, feeling dizzy and nauseous, there is mile marker 4, right by the turn to get out from under the bridges. YAY!!
The thought process of HP05 at this moment “HOLY SHIT! I am almost done! .4 miles left!!”
Then, the best thing ever… HP05 starts to see all these swimmers stand. YES!! IT”S SHALLOW!!! HP05 pops up and starts to walk towards the glorious finish.

3 hours and 13 minutes total, HP05 walked out of the bay. What a feeling. A feeling never to be had again, but that is fine. HP05 did it once and is very proud.

A HUGE thanks to all that came out, tried to come out but got caught in traffic and had to turn back, and those who were thinking of me during the event.


  • At 2:04 AM, Blogger Arin_C said…

    Congrats! That must have been really difficult but I'm sure it felt great when you were finished. Please don't ever use the phrase "greased up" again... ick.


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