Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

TeamHotPants takes on off-road Adventure Racing

It has been 11 days since HPs 02, 05 and 06 completed their mission of taking TeamHotPants off the beaten tri path, but with shiny 1st place medals hanging around their necks they wont be forgetting any time soon! June 18, Father's Day, the HPs participated in their first XTerra relay in Richmond VA, finishing #1 of 1 in the women's relay. As she realized she signed up for the hardest portion of this relay, HP02's anticipation and anxiety leading up to the event ended up being worse then the scrapes and bruises sustained on the course. Her expectations turned out to be pretty accurate- a technical course consisting mostly of a narrow path, winding thru thick forest with uneven rock outcroppings, 350 mountain bikers all trying to haul ass to get ahead of each other. It was freaking madness! The bike chain came off only twice, but HP02 was consoled at the sight of at least 3 other cyclists struggling with their chains as well. HP02 had determined before she began that she would not hesitate to get off the bike and walk if danger seemed imminent, and this proved to be a very wise decision, as there were many stretches of steep rock (complete with loose gravel), roots and logs for f*ck's sake!! But once she got off the path, trying to get back on was like re-mounting a moving roller coaster-people wouldnt let you back on!

HP02 was impressed with the performance of Fernando, her low-end, cheap mountain bike. She pounded the hell out of him, but he ended up being a freaking animal on the trail. The part of the course that most had her wishing for a newer, lighter bike, however, came with the 7 flights of stairs she had to climb with the bike on the back. People were tromping up the stairs like ants on an anthill!
The race would not be complete without a good shit-eating story, and you can count on HP02 to deliver in that department! About 6 miles in, HP02 was feeling pretty good. She was beginning to get the hang of braking and skidding around sharp turns, powering up steep and bumpy hills by low-gearing it and standing in the saddle, etc. Fernando caught an edge coming down a steep hill, though, and in a split second sent this HP flying over the handle bars and into the mud, face first. First thoughts: "Am I a quadraplegic yet? How are they going to get me out of this forest?" (once I confirm that I can still move my toes and fingers) "Sweet. Now Im really dirty. Im not that hurt. WAIT! Shit- it took me forever to get past that bitch, and there she goes...out of my way, she cant beat me!"
HP02 made it to the finish after 1 hour and 17 minutes of pushing herself harder than she has ever pushed herself before. Thanks to HP05 and HP06 for a great relay race, and to HP01 for her kick-ass cheering and encouragement. And Ive got to say, XTerra is pretty freaking organized...HP02 was quite impressed with the way the event was run. Check out the official results:
Now TeamCalientePantalones must forgive HP02, as she she must show off her post-ride scrapes and such...


  • At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hot-t! Cuts and bruises are badges of honor and the dirty finger nails are sexy. You ladies rock!


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