Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Monday, July 31, 2006

I somehow find...You and I collide

Anyone that lives in a city knows that there are a few things that you have to be willing to put up with and survive; the mid-day traffic jam, the possibility of getting mugged outside your home, the fear of getting run down by one of those bike messengers that weave through traffic, flying a million miles an hour against or with the lights as they choose, and the list goes on. One hopes that the majority of these more negative interactions can be avoided during your tenure as a city dweller, but often, when you least expect it, the reality of city living smacks you in the face, or in my case, the leg. It actually happened, Ladies. Thursday evening while crossing Mass Ave on her way to Union Station, HP08 was full on, full speed, plowed down by a bike messenger. The Ocho was in the cross walk, crossing with the light, and as soon as she came out on the other side of the stopped bus BOOM! There was no time for either HP08 or the bike man to brace themselves for the impact and the Ocho's left calf and knee absorbed the full force of the collision. The bike rider was very apologetic and tried to be helpful, but HP08 was really only banged up and what could he do about that? In reality, she was fine until about mile 12 of her run on Sunday when her left knee suddenly completely stiffened up on the outside and her little run-in was the only thing she could think to blame it on. Here is a photo of the infamous injury and yes, that is a tire shaped scab running up the side of her calf.

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide
- Howie Day-

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Jealous Ladies?

People always ask why are you single? Good looking fun girl like yourself I can't believe you don't have a boyfriend...Well, let's review advances made on HP04 by the opposite sex:

Stalker Boy: Emailed and called 35 times in 3 weeks. Calls/emails I returned 0. Super creepy and actually started to scare me a little. Called me at work, called my cell, email, email, and emailed.

Giant Douchebag: Guy I met at a bar in Seattle who attempted to woo me with the "I'm a major lobbyist for XXXXX. I know people...important people" (ladies you can't make it up)

DHS Jackass: This was a friend of a friend who make his feelings clear for me one drunken night (he was drunk, i thankfully was sober). I think it was right after he fell out of the booth at johnny rockets that he claimed to love me....sweet.
So, in his attempt to woo me sober he sent me the pictures that were meant to impress . i got this email from him "Here's my tough guy walk performed yesterday in Newark, just for you !!!" With picture on the right attached.
I replied something to the effect of "am i supposed to be impressed?" To which I got 4 more pictures with "people, important people" and finally he pulled out the big email that said "well what about the car i get to drive" with a VIDEO (yes, a video) of an unmarked suburban with its lights flashing. oh god, make it stop!

Baby's Mamma: Guy I ran into a giant that stopped me in the parking lot and told me "my baby says you remind him of his mommy and well I just think you're pretty." Hands me his card and says "call me sometime and we'll grab a drink" (there isn't enough tequilaa in the world buddy)

WV State Senator: Can't put his picture up but me directly and i'll refer you to the link for a belly bursting laugh. I still shudder with the thought...

Bible Beater (most recent advancee): a colleague (old enough to be my father) i've met maybe twice sends me this email yesterday "HP04- Two months ago your warmth and good looks gave me a real upper before a job interview. Pending a drug test and some paperwork a got the job. Thank you. Could I buy you a drink after work Thursday to celebrate" The second time i spoke to this guy we were discussing the state of his failing marriage (he was in therapy with his wife trying to work things out) and his daughter. Guess the counseling didn't stick.....I haven't replied yet because...well i've just been trying to figure out how to let him down gently - me being filled with great warmth and all (has all the OT ladies perplexed as hell). As i'm typing it i get ANOTHER email "Can I twist your arm for a cocktail". Those of you who know me well know how repeated advances creep me out - give a sister a chance brotha!

So - those are my options for men in DC. I think it all speaks for itself....and you wonder why i'm scared of men. Suck on that!

Training update:
weights: Beer curls
Cardio: Crying in my beer over the state of my love life.

Rocky hits DC, again...

Rocky. Screen on the Green. August 14th.

HP outting?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Nominations, please

Ladies...please send HP01 your 3 favorite blog posts, ASAP. The Uno hates when voters have few choices at the polls, so let's get those nominations submitted!


Swamp Fever

Ok, has anyone noticed that moving around outside is like walking through soup. The Ocho was sweating her ass off this morning while doing her morning run. Who thought it was a good idea to build DC on swamp land?
She also got a little sick of sucking down bus fumes while running back from RFK stadium. While HP08 appreciates the cities use of natural gas fuels, there is still a hot blast of thick air every time a bus speeds by. The Ocho is moving in to the woods and living with the bears.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Many apologies

Ladies, the Ocho is so sorry that she has been MIA from the blog for a couple of weeks. HP08 had some kind of martian plague that knocked her out for about 4 days last week and things have been crazy at work. Work is no excuse, but HP08 brings it up in order to attach the following photo distributed by the Heritage Foundation with the Title: "Johnny Mac reads Utt memo on Senate floor." Thought the HPs might find this amusing:

In the mean time, the Ocho has been grounded for about a week or so in light of the martian infestation and was forced to skip her 13 mile run on Saturday. That means 13 miles this weekend and 15 miles next weekend. Ugh. This marathon better be freakin' worth it!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Make love, not war.

Life lesson #0103: In freeing trapped M&Ms from vending machine, booty trumps guns every time.

HP03: "Nooooo!!! My Mmm n'Mmms!"
HP01: "Shake it. Work the guns."
HP03's guns: "Flex**Shimmy**shimmy**flex."
Candy Machine: "Oh no you didn't!"
HP01: "Move it."
HP01's booty: "Snap, shake, snap."
Candy Machine: "I submit."

People in Colorado are crazy... does that explain HP01, HP02 and DenverHP...? Me thinks so...

click on "what does sherman have to say."


My one question, how many times do they say "doggone shame" or "doggone something" on the site.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The rhythm is gonna getcha

Does anyone remember this Nov. post by HP01: ?

Well, HP03 would like to apologize for being "that guy" on Monday night at the gym with HP04 on the treadmills. This summer is party-pool time at the YMCA with the post-summer camp family crowd, the aquacizers and the adult lap swimmers who all cram into two lanes before 8:30PM.

HP04 and 03 went for a swim, saw the fiasco, and hit the treadmills instead.

HP03, in an effort to stay focused -- she hates running inside -- was bumpin' her iPod and when Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" came on HP03 is pretty damn sure she started running like she was in the video. She may have even snapped her fingers at one or two or seventeen points in the run. When the song ended she chilled out and focused on the always amuzing light socket until Whitney's "I wanna dance with somebody" shuffled through.

At which point, HP03 let her hair down, tussled it, and jammed her thumbs into imaginary belt loops.

HP04 didn't seem to notice, but the bald muscley guy on the end treadmill, with a clear shot of HP03 in the mirror sure as hell did.

Suck on that air guitar guy.

Yo HPs...

Did you nominate your favorite posts for Friday's one year anniversary...?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

You likey?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Motownphilly back again, Doin' a little eastcoast swang

HP01 and HP04 traveled to the City of Brotherly Love for a serious urban TRI competition, the first annual Philadelphia Women's Triathlon. The HPs wish to thank their loyal fans for their cheering and cow-belling, including ClevelandHotPants and PhillyHotPants and his family. Thanks-a-million!!

The race began with a 500 yard swim up and down the Schuylkill River, which turns out isn't as bad as the Potomac except for the cyanide spill a month ago. The uber-fast 17-mile bike course looped around Fairmount Park 2 times, enough to give the fans double dose of hotpants. The 3.2 mile run followed the river and back up to the transition area. This was HP01/04's first urban TRI and first all lady TRI, both a welcome change!

As for the results, HP04 kicked some serious butt, placing 17th of 47, while HP01 finished 44 of the 47 in our age group.

HP04: swim 9:42; bike 51:35; run 31:08; total 1:35:36

HP01: swim 17:35; bike 1:01:16; run 42:55; total 2:06:13

HP04 gets body-marked, while HP01 contemplates the swim in the feared Schuylkill river.

The HPs dive into the river for the power swim up the current.

HP01 spots PhillyHotPants and his family after the 17-mile bike.


Monday, July 10, 2006

The Uno is Back, Baby!

A thousand apologies for ignoring the blog-world. HP01 has been most busy with work, traveling, training, and of course, triathlons. In the last 2 weeks, TCP has competed in 2 TRIs...Bath County Sprint and the Philadelphia Women's TRI.

The Bath County TRI was bittersweet. The heavy rains kept the HPs from camping out all weekend, but we still kicked some serious ass! HP01 is impressed with all the ladies that participated...HP03 (a record swim), HP04 (who came in 2nd place), HP08 (first competative swim), HP10 (first TRI as an HP), and our guest HPs...Rachel and Carly. HP01 dedicated her race to Kiley and finished a personal best of 2 hours and 4 minutes.

The ladies enjoy scenic Bath County.

Hot-T Rachel gets body marked and the HPs show off the OUTFITS!

HP01 poses with her bike, Neil, while the Duece (with Mr. Duece in tow) and 03 discuss pre-race details. Meanwhile, Hot-T Carly makes some final adjustments to her ride.

In the end, the numbers do the talking, proof that TCP dominates the Virginia TRI series!

TCP relay #1 (the Ocho & Carly): swim (HP08) 22:52; bike (Carly) 47:56; run (HP08) 26:36; total time 1:38:23

TCP relay #2 (the Duece & Rachel): swim (HP10) 20:01; bike (Rachel) 48:56; run 28:27; total time 1:38:26

HP04: swim 14:03; bike 42:41; run 30:28; total time 1:30:22

HP03: swim 19:19; bike 48:10; run 26:57; total time 1:37:31

HP01: swim 20:29; bike 55:22; run 43:56; total time 2:04:11