Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

If you stalk a Samurai be prepared to get the KOTO!!!!!!!!!

Number of dates HP04 went on with CreepyNotSoHotPantsStalker: 0

Number of Emails/calls/text messages from CreepyNotSoHotPantsStalker in the last 3 weeks: 35

Emails/calls/text messages HP04 returned: 0

Posting CreepyNotSoHotPantsStalker guys emails on blog: PRICELESS!!!!!!!
HP04- I have not spoken with you in a couple of weeks (A) , so I thought that I would drop you a quick (B) note to see how things were going? Work has been very busy lately. We have been focused on CAFTA with the xxxxx taking a group of businesses to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador on a trade mission, the Doha trade negotiations focused on the upcoming meetings in Hong Kong, and this week I have had to get up to speed on Avian flu, with the President's announcement on Tuesday about the request for $7.1 billion to prepare the country in the case of an avain flu outbreak. so it has been rather intersting trying to get up to speed on a couple of these issues. I also have had a bunch of family in town the past couple of weeks. My younger brother who works for xxx xxxxxxx was in town when they played the Redskins which was pretty fun. I don't get to see him all that often so it was a lot of fun hanging out with him and some of his friends from work. I tried calling you when he was in town, XXX XXX XXX. Last week I had two of my mom's cousins in town with one of their sons who was looking at colleges in the area. I don't really get to see them all that often either since they live in Denver so it was nice to see them as well. (B)

How are things going with you? I know that you were getting ready for a triathalon when we last saw each other. How did that go? How is the job going? Do you have any votes this November that are important xxx xxxxx xxxxx (since I am not invovled on any campaign, I have not really paid too much attention to this years campaigns). Well, I hope that everything else is going well for you.
Let's try and get together sometime. Give me a call sometime and we can grab a drink or dinner.
Take care and I'll talk to you soon.
As you can tell once again HP04 has a stalker. Seriously - why me??????? I think my mojo is WAY off!!! HP01 gets hit on EVERYWHERE we go by guys that I would be interested in but the creepy one's always seem to not only find me but latch on! So, instead of suffering alone I've decided to share this unfortunate situation with my team mates in hopes that at the very least they will get kick out of it. I apologize but some parts of email had to be blocked out....of course i'd be happy to forward the email in its entirety to any Hotpants upon request

Some points of reference and clarification - please refer to colored sections in CreepyNotSoHotPantsStalkers emails:

(A) I have not spoken with you in a couple of weeks Well that is correct doofus and
why do you think that is not true? Do I not get email? Does my phone not work?
Does my text messaging not work? Or is it that the 37th phone call might just give me a change of heart and suddenly make me interested? I don't know but you'd better try again just to be sure!

(B) QUICK??!?!?!??!! This a quick note????!?!?!?!?!? I had papers in college that were shorter!!

(B) WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!

(C) Don't you think you would know how things were going in my life if I wanted to talk to you?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!@?!?!?!!?!? I don't know maybe I would have returned the 35 emails/phone calls/text messages - but that couldn't be an indication of someone not wanting to talk to you could it???? Seriously - you mean to tell me you're 30 years old?!?!?!?! How could you have not learned in high school (or even college if you were a late bloomer) that contacting a woman repeatedly when she's not interested isn't attractive and/or appreciated. What woman finds a needy man attractive?


  • At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, HP05, I know people, important people. You do have bad luck with the opposite sex.


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