Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Progress Report from HP02

Well the goal for this week was to do hard cardio for an hour every single day, but extra curricular events beyond my control coupled with an inability to use my legs prevented that from happening. After that soundtrack explosion all over the gym Monday night, this HP felt like she'd been 'ridden hard and hung up wet', as they say. Not to mention the fact that the cleansing diet (aka "the starve") is still in full effect. Anyway, today all I had to eat was a bowl of granola, some almonds and some celery, so the workout would have to calm down. I eked out a half an hour on the bike (at level 11), then jumped on the treadmill for 20 minutes, this time at 5.9. That soundtrack got me thru 2 miles of running- miraculous!! Not since 1999 have I run that far! Speaking of that, just when I was about to run out of steam, Prince came on the gym TV and saved the day. As I was schleping along listening to Prince I was imagining how, when I am the POTUS, people are going to hear '1999' pumping out of the White House late at night. Wow, big dork am I.

Another development: as you may or may not know, the WSC in Gtown, right by Dean&Deluca, is across the street from Quick Pita. Since one of my new years resolutions is to not get any parking tickets in 2006 I have to try and find a place to park in the residential neighborhood instead of risking it on M St. or Wisconsin. I decided that whenever I find a spot on 34th (I LUCKED OUT tonight) I will reward myself with Chicken Shwarma. YU-UM. Celery for lunch just doesnt cut it. Only a couple more weeks of this BS starve.


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