Team Caliente Pantalones

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ride the wave ... from jackass radio personality all the way to jackass WH spokesman

I know, I owe the blog and the HPs a major post, but this was too good to resist. The frat house returns to the White House, again

WH Press Sec. Tony Snow got a crowd of gov't employees and appointees "to do the wave... twice" 3/6 to "pump them up" for a speech by Pres. Bush at Constitution Hall. "When the crowd initially paused, Snow implored them, 'No really: Get up and do the wave!'" Everyone, "Cabinet members and all" complied. Then, to get them "really geeked up," Snow "made the crowd do another wave" before he introduced Laura Bush (Dufour/Gavin, DC Examiner, 3/8).

Phat shout out to my bro-bra T-dogg Snow for inciting the always-dignified-wave at Consti-fucking-tution Hall.

What a raging band of idiots.

Much love, 03


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