Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Siete vs NYC

The siete kicked NYC's ass this weekend as she attended a bachelorette party and danced until 4am both Friday and Saturday nights. While great one liners did not become immortalized as they did in Steamboat (el whoro, why can't I quit you, buzz kill, etc. - missed you guys), the hot pants mojo was in full effect. By night two my Manhattan friend was trying to convince me to move to NY to become her perma-wing man. There is nothing like the shameless confidence of a happily married woman who has had a lot of vodka. Oh, and 01 I thought of you on Saturday night because the second club we went to was all mid-nineties college music - the very kind you stole my heart with by singing. It kicked so much ass. My workouts are nothing to brag about right now, ladies, but my dance moves are finely tuned.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Vote for your favorite HotPants NERD!




HPs in CHI-Town!

As if vacationing in Colorado wasn't enough for HP01 & HP02, the ladies couldn't resist a quicky weekend trip to the midwest's BEST city...Chicago! We met up with ChicagoHotPants for a kick-ass breakfast at the Oak Tree on Michigan Ave. After which, the ladies pulled a Ferris Bueler and hung out 97 floors above Chicago in the Hancock building. Lots of walking, lots of shopping, lots of eating and a little fake window-washing. Viva Chi-Town!!

After her return back to DC, HP01 managed to squeeze in a 21 mile bike ride with CoachHotNacho. Let's just say the head winds were a bitch, but HP01 was feeling terrific post-ride.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Mamma!

HP03 is heading home to good ole' New England for her Momzy's 50th Birthday -- to include a crosstraining birthday bowling bash!

HP03MZY is as full of piss n' vinega' as ever and looking ten years younger than her calender date --HP03 is thankful for her good genes!

This pic is HP03's older bro and momma. I heart 1979.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Well it never seems to fail. HP04 has attracted another stellar specimen of the male species. The parents were in town this weekend and after a fun filled - exhausting - 4 days running all over I dropped them off at the airport. On my way back I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some chicken for the week. I'm pushing my cart picking up savory items such as rice cakes, egg beaters and fat free cheese (mmmm mmmm mmmm) when this gentleman pushing a cart with his child in it crosses me for the second time and tosses out a "we must stop running into each other like this". HP04 thinking well this man's got a kid so he's clearly spoken for and harmless (I told you I was exhausted) just smiled and kept on going. If she'd had her wits about her she would have employed one of her other more effective get the f out of my way tactic including but not limited to: a.)ignoring said offensive man b.) grunting, scowling and walking on or c.) looking him square in the eye and saying "I fart in your general direction".
HP04 paid for her tastey treats and was loading her groceries in her car when she hear an "excuse me" as I turned to look who was there but the same man. He approaches me and says "my little boy says you remind him of his mommy and i just think you're pretty" hands me his card and says - "give me a call sometime I'd love to take you out".

ARE YOU KIDDING ME????????? What the hell has happened to men today that, that is actually a pick up line. For real?????? My little boy says you remind him of his mommy - well where the hell is his mommy? Did you dump her and steal the kid? Oh good, that means there's room for me to become a step mommy. Or better yet you could knock me up and leave me - but no doubt this time you'd leave me with the sniveling little brat!!!! Yes, yes, yes, please let's get together. Take me out on a date -you're the man I've always dreamed of!!!

Now i can't find a normal guy but the freaks of the world certainly track me down. Not to mention I was wearing not a lick of makeup and had done nothing with my hair but pull it straight back in a pony tail - god help the men of landover, Maryland if i actually show up with makeup - maybe the domino's guy would ask me out then....ah a girl can dream....

Friday, February 17, 2006

Uh...check one, two, this thing on? You're kidding, right?

For the first time since HP03 was maybe 12, she was "insulted" about her height.

HP03 played indoor soccer last night and ran into the dreaded "girl hater," a creature so insecure in her pesonality, creativity, brains and bod, that she must attack the genetically gifted, or at least gracious, women she encounters on a daily basis.

HP03 is running back on defense to take the ball from "girl hater." GH, being an untalented joker, just kicks the ball ahead and starts pushing HP03 with limited success. HP03 gives it back a little and GH falls to the court and starts bitching. The ref, who was awful, blows the whistle and gives the free kick to GH's team. GH is all mumbles-attitude, so HP03 says "Hey now, don't start pushing if you can't stay on your feet their bay-bay." GH retorts with "Um, yeah you're like twice my weight." HP03 is surprised and he inner monologue reads "Eh? A weight comment. Am I looking curvy...sweet!" But nonetheless, she can't stand for girl hating and is shocked to hear that sort of crap from an "adult" "woman" especially one who is an "athlete." So she asks, "Er, what the fuck did you say?" And GH says, "Yeah whatever, you're a like a f'ing amazon." At this point HP03 is reminded of the simple fact that GHs are stupid.

Amazon's are rad. Insult? I think not. Talk about balls to the wall.

Who makes height comments? How random, overall...weird.

However, I do apologize to the GH who is sad that HP03's legs come all the way up to her padded bra and there isn't a damn thing a pair of HP04's heels could do to help her out. Boo yeah.

Holla' back amazon sisters HP02 and HP07.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Where the Columbine and the Wild River Flows

HP01 lurves Colorado! She's never looked so good and HP01 was feeling especially nostalgic for her college days at CSU. Especially after the plane banked left, exposing 'ole Fort Fun just as HP01's ipod was playing the Samples. Sigh.

Anyhoo, back to the task at hand...last week's vacation was SENSASIONALISIMO. Let's just say that HP01 was reunited with many of her lost loves...the mountains, the snow, the slopes, clean tap water, hot springs, margaritas from the Rio and the best fucking beer on the planet,…Fat Tire Ale! The HPs tore up the mountain, as you can see from the pic--01, 04, 07, 06, & 02.

HP01 also discovered a new love:…the SIETE! Her Espanol is fantastico, and her energy is unprecedented. Three cheers to the Siete! Can't wait to come cheer you on at the Steamboat 1/2 marathon.

HP01 & 06 spent 3 full days on the slopes, so you'd think that would be enough extreme alpine sporting. NO! There was also plenty of snowmobiling with the Oso, and HP01 must take the opportunity to apologize to the Oso for taking him out with a snowmobile. Fortunatly, HP01's injuries were not debilitating, thanks to Dr. Vodka who always comes through with his medicinal healing. As HP02 said, "you can't expect to be balls to the walls all the time and not get hurt." amen!

Here are the HPs whoopin' it up at the Steamboat Winter Carnival.

A special shout-out to DenverHotPenduringendouring the 3.5 hour drive to hang out with her teammates.

HP01 is most grateful to HP02, Auntie, and el Oso for such a kick ass vacation!

View all HP01’s Pictures

To that "special" HP03

A very happy Birthday HP03.
We lurv you!!!!!

To HP03 on her birthday...

In memory of birthdays past...looking forward to the memories to come. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"The rain on my car is a baptism, the new me, Ice Man, Power Lloyd, my assault on the world begins now."

An excerpt from the first chapter of Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs:

Whenever I meet dynamic, nonretarded Americans, I notice that they all seem to share a single unifying characteristic: the inability to experience the kind of mind-blowing, transcendent romantic relationship they perceive to be a normal part of living. And someone needs to take the fall for this. So instead of blaming no one for this (which is kind of cowardly) or blaming everyone (which is kind of meaningless), I'm going to blame John Cusack.

I once loved a girl who almost loved me, but not as much as she loved John Cusack. Under certain circumstances, this would have been fine; Cusack is relatively good-looking, he seems like a pretty cool guy (he likes the Clash and the Who, at least), and he undoubtedly has millions of bones in the bank. If Cusack and I were competing for the same woman, I could easily accept losing. However, I don't really feel like John and I were "competing" for the girl I'm referring to, inasmuch as her relationship to Cusack was confined to watching him as a two-dimensional projection, pretending to be characters who don't actually exist. Now, there was a time when I would have thought that detachment would have given me a huge advantage over Johnny C., inasmuch as my relationship with this woman included things like "talking on the phone" and "nuzzling under umbrellas" and "eating pancakes." However, I have come to realize that I perceived this competition completely backward; it was definitely an unfair battle, but not in my favor. It was unfair in Cusack's favor. I never had a chance.

It appears that countless women born between the years of 1965 and 1978 are in love with John Cusack. I cannot fathom how he isn't the number-one box-office star in America, because every straight girl I know would sell her soul to share a milkshake with that motherfucker. For upwardly mobile women in their twenties and thirties, John Cusack is the neo-Elvis. But here's what none of these upwardly mobile women seem to realize: They don't love John Cusack. They love Lloyd Dobler. When they see Mr. Cusack, they are still seeing the optimistic, charmingly loquacious teenager he played in Say Anything , a movie that came out more than a decade ago. That's the guy they think he is; when Cusack played Eddie Thomas in America's Sweethearts or the sensitive hit man in Grosse Pointe Blank , all his female fans knew he was only acting...but they assume when the camera stopped rolling, he went back to his genuine self...which was someone like Lloyd Dobler...which was, in fact, someone who is Lloyd Dobler, and someone who continues to have a storybook romance with Diane Court (or with Ione Skye, depending on how you look at it). And these upwardly mobile women are not alone. We all convince ourselves of things like this -- not necessarily about Say Anything , but about any fictionalized portrayals of romance that happen to hit us in the right place, at the right time. This is why I will never be completely satisfied by a woman, and this is why the kind of woman I tend to find attractive will never be satisfied by me. We will both measure our relationship against the prospect of fake love.

HP08 brings you a Lloyd Dobler fix on V-day

What I Did For Lloyd
The Nerdy Romeo of 'Say Anything' Still Has a Place in Women's Hearts

By Hank Stuever
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 14, 2006; Page C01

Two Valentine's Days ago, in the Style section, it was discussed at great length why women still think about Jake Ryan -- the cool-mannered, Porsche-driving, completely fictional hunk from the 1984 teen flick "Sixteen Candles." Then came the e-mail. Women (and some men) wrote in for months, mostly affirming this fantasy. One dreamer in Dallas talked about the lady down the street with toddler sons named Jake and Ryan. There was much linking and blogging. Even now, once in a while, Google will lead the Jakelorn our way. A New York documentary filmmaker came by last summer and set up lights and rearranged furniture and interviewed me -- she was making an entire movie about Jake Ryan.

"But what about," she finally asked, "Lloyd Dobler?"

Because, it turns out, for every one woman with a residual Jake Ryan thing there are maybe 100 with a persistent Lloyd Dobler fetish. Those women wrote in, too, extolling the character played by John Cusack in the 1989 movie "Say Anything": "How oblivious can you be," went a typical harangue. "Jake is plastic. Lloyd Dobler is God."

Heaps of devotional words have been written about Lloyd Dobler. The early stages of a popularized Internet seemed to exist for people to make Lloyd Dobler references, and Lloyd Dobler tribute pages that linger ("Last updated on July 1, 1997"). There's a fairly successful Wheaton-based band called the Lloyd Dobler Effect, which has toured forever. (Sadly, a Hootie and the Blowfish comparison in a review of the Lloyd Dobler Effect's work prevents us from going any further.)

Anyhow, here is your sequel, '80s ladies: Lloyd Dobler rules over Jake Ryan.

* * *

"Say Anything," which like all Saturday cable movies became a hit only in hindsight, was directed by backdoor zeitgeister Cameron Crowe, who sometimes nails it, especially about loners and rogues. In it, Lloyd Dobler has just graduated from a Seattle high school, class of '88. He is fond of wearing a tan wool trenchcoat, a Clash T-shirt and sweat pants with high-top sneakers. He drives a beat-up Chevy Malibu. He is in love with kickboxing, which he calls the "sport of the future," and more than that, he is in love with Diane Court (played by Ione Skye).

She is the smartest, perhaps prettiest girl in school, who is about to go to England on what in movieland passes for a Rhodes scholarship. She wears flowers in her hair or funky vintage-store '80s girl hats. She has a problem, as present-day screenings of "Say Anything" now demonstrate, with VPL (visible panty line), as did so many of her peers back then, before thongs. She has never given one single thought to Lloyd Dobler, until she does.

And so goes the love story: Diane assigns huge, symbolic importance to the moment when Lloyd makes sure she doesn't step on the broken glass in a 7-Eleven parking lot. Lloyd is thoroughly devoted to Diane, in spite of the skepticism from his platonic girlfriends, who like to hang out at a guitar store. (This is a Cameron Crowe conceit: Seattle chicks hanging out in guitar stores, writing post-punk songs about bad boyfriends, just before the grunge era.)

"You're not a guy," one of the chicks tells Lloyd. "The world is full of guys. Be a man, don't be a guy."

So he was a man. He writes a letter to Diane and says he loves her. She breaks up with him and gives him a pen. A gloomy montage later, he is standing on Diane's street in the predawn, trying to get her to love him.

In lore, he will be forever holding his boombox tape player high above his head, solemnly blasting the Peter Gabriel ballad "In Your Eyes." That's his song, their song. She chooses him in the end, mostly because her father is convicted for tax fraud.

Monday, February 13, 2006

HP Ranch!

What do the HPs think of the site of the future HP Ranch - is it big enough to handle the HPs? Is Colorado ready for us to return?

Along with HP01, HP06 revived her passion for downhill skiing. Vagabound rules!

Hp06 fell in love - again - skiing is addictive and now it is the only form of exercise she wants to partake in. Hp06 sees two problems with this addiction: (1) she doesn't live near any hills that offer the same workout as the mountains of Colorado and (2) windburn - the unfortunate byproduct of skiing.

A big thank you to HP02's family for hosting!

Friday, February 10, 2006

I hate eBay.

HP03 found a freakin' amazing bike on eBay. She was so damn siked and then some sniping mutha f'er came along and outbid her in the last, I shit you not, seven seconds of the auction! I hate eBay. Why even bother? Some jackass is always waiting in the shadows to outbid you by 15 cents. ARGH! HP03 was swearing up the office when she saw she'd been picked off by said bastard...

...and then she got lovely (early) birthday flowers from her mum and dad and got over it. Thank you.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

All growns up...

The purple monster at age 3. HP03 has been having a good time swimming lately. While she dreads the start each and every time, she likes it after being in there for fifteen mintues. In fact, HP03 can say without a doubt, that last night she was the best swimmer in the pool (ha ha wiseasses, there were lots of people there, wildly overweight and old people, but lots of them). She thinks she is getting better and expects, in a few weeks time, to be ready for an official lesson from CoachHotSpeedo. HP03 almost figured out how to breathe and has actually improved on her "shark chase" kicking style. She has now progressed to a point where she wonders if her arms are coming out of the water too much or too little and if the seemingly arbitrary movement she makes with her arms under the water is serving her well.

At age 23 HP03 has abandoned the "purple monster" suit and cap combo, in favor of the cool-kid black suit and purple cap -- in honor of the artist formerly known as prince. Apparently, this combo really does it for the boys. HP03 is never, she repeats, never hit on, but since she's started frequenting the OT YMCA her milkshake has brought all the boys to the yard.

HottieLifeguard insists on chatting up HP03 each time she goes to the pool. He's taken to complimenting her swimming, which, while it has vastly improved, is still overall laughable. Whatever, HP03 will take it where she can get it. Oh, she won't. The problem with HLG workin' for HP03 is that it has made her a little self-conscious, but then she remembers that SB likes her whether or not she can swim -- he's solely superficial about her running technique ;-) -- and she gets over it.

HP03 digresses.

Point is she got hit on again last night, by a hero. "This is my last lap ma'am I'll be out of your way in just a sec." This story just proves the point that HP03 has no game. She responds with a messy southerny accent, "Well, awright."

Game on...

I'm pretty sure she meant to say something cute about sharing a lane with him or something. Also reasonably certain she meant to wipe the snot and mascara off of her face.

There you have it HPs, 03 is the hottest thing to hit the OT YMCA since her blonde bombshell life partner started her brief hiatius and since it has been discovered that chlorine dilutes Latina mojo.

But seriously folks, look at that face, could you resist that face?

HP08's night in the garage

That's right, the Ocho was "quarantined" in the Russell West garage for 3 hours last night. It would have been ok if we were locked in our offices but they had us corralled into a small area in a dirty, stinky garage. They were nice enough to bring water in about 2 hours in, but HP08 thinks they were all trying to figure out which staffer they'd eat first. are HP08's photos. They aren't that great, but the Ocho was trying to be discrete.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Why are people stupid?

HP08 would like to know why people are stupid. Can someone please explain that to me? Hmm...I think everyone is in Colorado, but maybe HP03 will help me out.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Back in the Saddle Again...

Enter Tom Hanks getting ready for his date in Sleepless in Seattle. Anyone? Sleepless in Seattle? No? Ok. Fine.
So, after a week off for healing, HP08 got back in the running saddle this morning and let's just was rough. HP08 and AT only did 3 1/2 miles for their maintenance run, but HP08 and her rusty muscles and joints felt every inch of those 3 1/2 miles. All in all, HP08 learned several things today. 1. It's not ok to just drink a little Gatorade, the half of a Luna bar is key to fueling the body. 2. It's freakin' freezing out today, dress accordingly (this is not a universal rule, but a date specific one.) 3. AT will always speed up with running by old people (probably to prove his manhood.) Slow him down or you will end up running 8 minute miles when you usually pace at 10 minutes. 4. A week off may be good for the body, but it's bad for the soul.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sharing the Shame...HP01's Bridget Jones Moment

HP01 was just asked by a colleague the question dreaded by women the world over, "Oh, when are you due?"


Swimming Etiquette

HP05 is both excited and terrified for her upcoming 4.4 mile swim. This means training, now… No more whining, complaining, excuses. So HP05 started her weekend with a nice jog with HP06, and a few other runners. (FYI, they are training for the Country Music Half Marathon!). HP05 had a great run in the rain, considering it was her first since, oh, let’s say the Sherando Lake Triathlon… Yes, that was October of 2005. Anyway, HP05 is thankful everyday for the run/walk system.

Back to the point. Sunday HP05 heads to the pool after only a few hours of sleep (closing the bar on a Saturday night always means a good time) to find it very crowded, 3-4 people to a lane. This is never a good sign! HP05 stands around looking for a place to hop in. The lifeguard points her to a lane, fine, whatever, will swim in the ‘fast lane’ with the woman doing breaststroke. Now, HP05 has no issues with breaststroke. However, there is an issue when it is done with your head out of the water the entire time, and you are in the ‘fast lane’, AND attempting to circle swim. Here is what HP05 gets really mad… as a ‘faster swimmer’ is coming into the wall to do a flip turn, DO NOT PUSH OFF THE WALL DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HER, OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! Please wait the 5 seconds for her to flip, push off the wall, and go… it’s just better for everyone… Then the ‘fast swimmer’ doesn’t have to gauge where everyone else is, try to pass on the left, and swear underwater using all her air.

HP05 obviously needs to take a vacation. Good thing Steamboat is right around the corner. And there is FABULOUS picture posted by HP04 to keep her relaxed and in a daydream…

Ayyyy yaaaaaayyyy ayyyyyyy!!!

Hp04 is so psyhed for Steamboat!! I definitely need some hard core training/recreating to get me back into the swing of things and I can't think of a better place. I also plan on finding me a cowboy -preferably not one from the brokeback mountain., something more like the above picture.

ps where the fuck is the fucking tuna?????

Thursday, February 02, 2006

HP05 is in!!

Well, the past 2 days have been fun! Registration for the Chesapeake Bay 4.4 mile swim was yesterday at 10:00 am. HP05 was ready to go, type away her info and get into the race. Last year it filled up in 45 minutes so she knew she had to be ready. HP05 deals with the time delay pages, constant refreshing of the page, and finally sees the “Race Confirmation” page. She prints it out and is super excited she got in. Then she checks the list and IS NOT ON THERE!!! After a few phone calls, HP05 learned she was ‘on the buffer’. The race had hit capacity in 18 minutes, 650 swimmers, but about 50 people (HP05 included) had snuck in before the system stopped accepting swimmers. Sweet! So after e-mails, more phone calls, and a lot of help from the race coordinators, HP05 is now on the Entry List and will be swimming 4.4 miles on June 11th. YAY!!!

My question for everyone, who wants to spend a day at the beach???

HP03 to HP07, "Indeed."

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's not a party unless. . . . .

You get into a flexing competition with your friends. . . . . . . . .

You put on a free show with what you thought at the time was dancing. . . .

I love a 30th birthday party just as much as the next HP, and I'm so glad that even on the edge of turning 30 myself I still think it's a good idea to do shots at 1am. However, I am disappointed that all of my weighlifting has yet to rid me of the bat wings that accompany my newly protruding bicep. Baby steps.

Next stop: Superbowl 5K in Washington Park. Last year I was listed in the Colorado Runner's Magazine for finishing 3rd in my age bracket. Nevermind that it was snowing and there was pitiful attendance. My meager notoriety has made me the girl to beat among my friends. But they don't know about my hotpants mojo. . . . . . . .

I've got you, sort of...

Last night at the YMCA HP03 swam at 6:30, which, if you're unfamiliar with the way clocks work, is before 8:00 -- at which time the pool is all lap swimming. Pre-8:00PM two lanes are open for water classes and hanging out. Last night, the aqua aerobics class was going on. While HP03 is quick to congratulate herself on her improvements in the water, she struggled against the wavepool created by the aqua-cizers. She felt like a Navy rescue swimmer. Top notch athletes whom we know -- after HP04's social run-in with a faux rescue swimmer -- are good at "fucking and saving lives."

Sign me up.

Two sidenotes:

Did you know that a group of hippopotamuses is called a bloat

"Last night I did my sprints in the pool and I was fucking torpedo." HP01

getting conquered by the Mall

Well, AT and HP08 made another attempt at the Mall last night. This try actually went much better than this weekend, probably because it was cooler and there weren't as many angry Chinese women around. HP08 didn't get her entire 5.2 miles in, though, because she was trying to avoid running through the protesters yelling "We are not satisfied!" (HP08 was not sure what we weren't satisfied about, but she was suspicious that they were referencing her cutting her run short.) So HP08 and AT managed to get in about 4.5 miles while being circled by helicopters and stopped by Capitol Police officers to make sure they were terrorists. AT did not find it amusing when HP08 would wave to the pilots when the helicopters started tracking them with their search lights. The post-run trip home actually ended up being the hardest part of the evening as roads surrounding HP08's car in every direction were simultaneously shut down to allow POTUS to get to the Capitol. Half an hour and many back roads later, AT and HP08 managed to get home in time to catch the start of the SOTU. Oh, and just one warning, do not go running alone between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial at night. Talk about creepy! No lights, a bad fishy smell from the reflecting pool and random people hiding in the shadows. No thank you!