Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

No one or anything will keep HP05 down!!

After the post by HP05 bragging about her kick ass work out, great lunch and getting ready to have future kick ass workouts, HP05 came down with Pharyngitis.

Phar·yn·gi·tis (far’in jit’is) n. an infection of the tonsils and back of the throat. The symptoms may include fever (had), sore throat (still have), and pain will swallowing (still have). There may also be swollen neck glands (still have) or earache (had).

First of all, HP05 hates to whine. There was a time in her life were she enjoyed it, but no longer. However, it is totally not fair to do this to her! She spent a total of 8.5 hours in the urgent care and an ER of a hospital on yesterday. A huge shout out and thanks to fellow kick ass tri-er RR for coming and HP06 for her support. HP05 has been reduced to eating (ha, more like drinking) soup, jello, applesauce, and popsicles. Of course, this is after she spent a butt load of money on great veggies she can’t eat because she can hardly swallow!

OK, HP05 is done complaining. This is her warning to all, a little inflammation of her tonsils and inability to swallow is not going to stop this HP!! She is a HOTPANTS and will leave this in her wake! Oh so very soon it will be balls to the wall, again!

PS. To HP05’s bro who is a PCV in Bulgaria, yes, we use 3rd person. Why you ask? We like to keep our identities to ourselves. Why, we know if our names were known, we would have a hard time living our normal, every day lives due to the photographers that would be following us. Also, we don’t want to ruin our political careers. And, it's fun. Thanks for keeping us anonymous!


  • At 9:46 AM, Blogger Arin_C said…

    Sorry to hear about your infection. Hopefully you will feel better soon. I myself have been sick for about 2 weeks with a mild cough and cold; part of that is however because of all the air pollution here. As for the third person speak I would like to point out that it is possible to refer to oneself without using your name. I have referred to myself several times in this post and not used my name. Granted I am sure that you and your fellow HP's would not consider this form of writing as fun as third person, but it is possible and grammatically correct. Man... someone please shoot me, I sound like an English teacher....


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