Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Increases in heart rates count as workouts, right??

HP05 once again likes the “non-conventional” workouts. Saturday consisted of driving up to Gettysburg for a mind workout. With the top down on her car (we call her Audrey or Harold with the top up) and the $18 cd auto tour, she and APK were on their way to have a 2 hour marathon Gettysburg tour. Well, that 2 hour tour turned into 5 hours. There is some really cool stuff up there!! While we did drive the 18 mile trek, we also stopped to climb all of the observation towers and Big Round Top. But the best part of the workout came later.

HP05 has a slight obsession with a band named Guster, who she will travel far and wide to see. They are the real reason for the trip to Gettysburg. While sitting at dinner, APK gets a look on his face. I turn around and there he is, Ryan, the lead singer. APK stayed calm, cool, and collected, unlike HP05 whose heart is beating out of her chest with nerves and mouth dropped to the floor. Words were exchanged, but not by HP05. Something came out of her mouth, but due to the look on Ryan’s face, she doesn’t think it was English. Totally NOT the way HP05 had imagined that moment. As HP05 was getting up the courage to be that cheesy fan to ask for a picture when he left, Ryan snuck out the back door. HP05’s heart sank with the realization that she scared the lead singer of her favorite band.

Not to be brought down but a little escape from Ryan, HP05 and APK headed to the concert. We were totally the old people at the college show. When did 18 year olds get so young!! AND, who teaches them how to dress!! SLUTS! Anyway, I digress... So the show was over and we realized it wasn’t their best show. Great music, but have seen better. As we walk back to the car, APK and his amazing sense of where the members of Guster are located, sees Adam and Joe on a bench. In his calm cool and collected voice, yells at them “Great show guys!”. HP05 realizes this is her chance to redeem herself and asks to be that cheesy fan and take a picture.

HP05 skips across the field to the car, giddy as the 18 year olds she was with at the concert. Between the extreme increase in heart rate in both meetings of 3 out of the 4 members Guster, and the skipping across the field, best workout EVER!!

Sunday, HP05 was still on her high from the previous day’s events and had a kick ass swim. 2000 yds straight in 36 min. Not bad for the first time back in the pool in a month! Chesapeake Bay 4.4 mile swim, I will be ready for ya!


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