Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Aayyyy yaaayy yaaaay yaaaaay!!!

HP04 apologizes for not having posted earlier about her first weekend of triathalon and camping, but I swear I froze out one too many blood cells in the horribly cold lake- my brain just hasn't been right all week! Me thinks perhaps I may have to rethink my potential career as a coast guard rescue swimmer. Damn, think of all the hot men I could have met....I'm going to make up for it with a long ass post!!!

HP04's first triathalon weekend was a huge success!!!!!

First, camping kicks ass!!! I had so much fun and can't wait to do it again! I never knew why everyone made such a fuss about camping but I have been enlightened. Where else can you make pie in a fire and have cookies for breakfast???? Shout out to HP05 the master wilderness pastry chef! I'm still dreaming about her pie!!!

And I must say while some doubted me I'm a pretty damn good camper - Exhibit A. I make a damn good fire! Note, the concentration as I strategically place each piece of kindling finishing off my masterpiece!!!!

The taking of my camping flower was made all that more special because of that certain someone who was able to make a guest appearance and share it with me on Saturday night. No other than CoachHotSpeedo's trusty steed - Norman Bates. How could you not love this face????

I'd like to take this opportunity to throw a special shout out of thanks to CoachHotSpeedo for loaning me his dog for the night on Saturday. Camping is all that much better with a dog (although HP03 don't think I didn't miss talking about boys). Here's Norman and I waking from out 11 hour slumber on Sunday morning (Blistex still in hand).

And then there was the triathalon! First, I can't begin to tell you how impressed with all the HP's performance but particularly with HP01 and HP05 who did the whole damn thing with both poise and finesse! Aayyyy yyaaaaaayyy yaaaaaayyy!!!! You girls kick ass! HP06 - you get a shout out for telling that butt ass cold lake to bite you and hopping on your bike to do your biathalon!

As for my awesome relay teammates, where to begin??!?!?!?! HP02 - I don't know what fall you're speaking of I only saw you leap off your bike like a gazelle. As she tore into the transition area her look of blue steel froze the competition in their steps. I have no doubt it was one of our greatest secret weapons!
And HP03 you're so damn fast you're levitating. Who jumps straight in the air to take off running????

And then there was my performance. The swim was truly traumatic but I survived and can't wait to do another!! I know you readers have heard about how cold the water was from HPO1 but you're just not getting it - it was FREEZING!!!!

As I jumped in the water ready to take on that gnarly lake only to take a couple of strokes and lift my head gasping for air in an asthmatic fit. There was a moment I though I was going to meet my maker but was dammed if I was going down in Shernando Lake!!! So, I convinced myself to keep going. As I rounded the half way point - I began to feel better only to enter the field of molesto aquatic life. There's been great discussion as to what plant life the underwater field that we swam through was and I don't have the answer. I only know that from the way those plants were touching me, I really think they really ought to have at least bought me dinner first!!! I finished in 17:47, 4 minutes slower than I had hoped but given the water temp and my inability to breathe I'm quite pleased.

A brief recap on the race and an insight into the fierce competition....Here's the first swimmer emerging (pic on right) he was clearly more familiar with swimming in arctic water than us... I think he should have been disqualified. Clearly his wet suit was NOT regulation! BOOOOOOOO!!!!

And god bless him, the last swimmer - he swam his heart out and he finished in a speedo none the less!!! HP01 and myself were somewhere in the middle. I have pics but they are not fit for public viewing...(do you know how hard it is to look cute coming out of 62 degree water soaking wet in a dayglo orange swim cap???)

So....what next? First, I'm going to get prepared for the next swim with a gear purchase which will undoubtedly become my secret weapon! This suit (see pic on right) will serve multiple purposes. Not only will I look smoking hot and undoubtedly have many marriage offers from hot triathalon men but I will stay toasty warm! I'm going after the first place swimmer! He's got nothing on me with my secret weapon. mmoooohhahahahahhahahahah!!!!

Thanks to every HP, superfan, and coach out there! You have made this experience so great and I am so psyched to take on the next tri (and I'm in the next one for the whole thing!!) Aaaaaayyyy yaaaaayyayayayaya!!!!


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