Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lucky for HP02, RedHeads drink Free at Madams Organ

So tonight HP02 went to the salon for a seasonal hair color change....and truth be told, she kind of wishes this decision had been made last week, because then that post-tumble picture would have just felt hotter. Yes, I'll admit it: HP02 fell off her bike inches from the finish line. Like the girls said, the last mile or two of the course was a NASTY NASTY hill, one that rendered extremities useless and motor skills completely non-functional. At the moment of truth, when it really mattered, HP02 forgot how to clip out on the left side and down she went...Ricardo toppling on her spent body. Actually, after having riden for an hour and 22 minutes in the same position, that slap of the pavement on the left side actually felt really good, invigorating in a wierd, I-Just-crashed-2-ft-from-the-finish-line sort of way. Unfortunatly, HP03 failed to see the silver lining in the situation and was jumping out of her skin as HP02 cautiously walked to the transition area. After the chip hand-off, HP03 turned on her jet engines and FLEW so fast that HP02's head was spinning, and probably everyone in a 1/2 mile radius. Seriously, HP03 is an exceptional athlete, and HP02 is thoroughly convinced that she will come in FIRST PLACE at the Marine Corps Marathon...and Team Caliente Pantalones will be there to control the crowd of autograph-seekers. This girl rocks the party that rocks the body...

HP02 has to give HP04 her *snaps* for a spectacular performance, despite her afflictions. As a former asthmatic, HP02 is 100% impressed by HP04's swim in Lake Sherando. Not only did HP04 finish with a great time (in 62 degree water), but she gave THE BIRD, actually 2 BIRDS, to fucking asthma, and I am following up with #3&4!!! proud of this girl! If you would have heard the conversation 3 months ago at the EveningStarCafe, you would know what a kick ass accomplishment this is!
She got in touch with her inner-elite-athlete (in addition to the inner-CowBell), and look what happened!

But none of this would have taken place if it werent for that fatefull happy hour on the Reef roof, when HP05 first planted the triathlon idea in HP02's mind by introducing her to the world of the competing athlete. And this weekend, not only did HP05 overcome injuries, but by the time the race was over she was high-fiving everyone in the lunch line...

HP06 rocked the kazbah with her exemplary time between the bike-ride and run. Her ability to hop off the bike and successfully transition into the run makes her the HPSmoothOperator- I, on the other hand, smoothly transitioned from the bike to the ground...

HPo2 is so proud of these exceptional atheletes!! Once she is gainfully employed HP02's first order of business is to spring for the first round at the first (of many) TCP happy hours!


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