Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Crazy Pills

First I must give a big shout out to ChicagoHotPants - do you have rockets on your shoes? You're like a lightning bolt!!

After the week from hell HP04 is finally returning to the blog. I spent the beginning of last week fighting the same cold HP03 was battling and it was pissing off my asthma. Wed I left for the lovely city of Akron, Ohio for work and was there through Friday. I did get in a swim and a run while in Ohio but this did nothing to soothe my already irritated asthma. Friday feeling a little better I left to head back home. Now, for those of you that don't know - I have the worse luck with travel. My flight which was supposed to land at 6pm and be a 50 min flight didn't land until nearly midnight and turned into a 7.5 hour flight and landed at Dulles instead of Reagan. This did nothing to help my cold, really pissed my lungs off and soured even further my outlook on life. I didn't get home and asleep until 3 am. Woke up feeling very shitty on Saturday so rested up all day. Sunday morning felt better, decided to go run some errands come back and try going for a swim. But, on the way back I crashed my car!!!! Thankfully, only my pride and my car were hurt. I was still planning on going to the race site on Monday with HP01 but by Sunday night after dealing with insurance and arranging to have my car towed from my place it became apparent I should probably be around to make sure my car was dealt with appropriately the next day. Sunday night became an M&M pity party - I think I ate almost 2 lbs of M&M's. By yesterday my asthma was a total mess and I was back at the Dr.'s office (this makes 3 times since last monday). I got some new drugs and am hoping they'll work. My dr recommended not doing the tri on sat but i told him I'd be fine to which he replied "you know people have died from asthma". Well I'll be dammed if a half mile swim is going to kill me!!!! So, I swam last night just to be sure I could do it and while I'm paying the price today I didn't die (always a good sign).

Summary: Over the bird flu but still battling asthma, have probably gained no less than 5 lbs from my M&M pity party, my car is wrecked because of my own stupidity, haven't trained consistently in well over a week. I swear how is this my life? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!! But, I still got HOT PANTS and am actually looking forward to my virgin camping experience this weekend!!! I'm not missing this for anything!!! WOOOHHOOOOO!!!


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