Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Inappropriate blunder results in big score for HP02

So I was at lunch with my new boss (Im doing freelance administrative work for him P/T, he is a senior fellow at AEI), and I tell him all about our ambitious little fitness goal- from HP02's new found need for padded biker shorts to the official team name. It was only after I spewed this verbal vomit that I realized perhaps this wasnt the appropriate audience to introduce terms such as 'hot pants' into. BUT, lucky for me he has a sense of humor, and a spare racing bike in storage that hasnt been touched in 2 years! He offered to give it to me so that I might have a sporting chance! So rock and roll, girls, I'm going to have mad gear after all!


Who plays with fire?

HP03 has devised a plan to take free spin classes for cross-training purposes by signing up for one week or one day guest passes at area gyms. Crafty or embarrassingly cheap?

HP01 update: "swam a whole f***ing mile in 35 minutes at a steady pace".

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I will miss you, Team Caliente Pantalones :(

Dear HotPants02 and HotPants03,

As you may know, HP01 will be non-blogging for the next 2 days due to her quick trip to the Desert. HP01 will be unable to conduct aquatic training while in the Desert, but will resume full-speed ahead on Saturday with the trip to Lake Anna (YUCK, FISH). The Team Mobile departs Del Ray at 8:00am sharp!

Tonight, however, Coach HotSpeedo has crafted a mix-it-up regime for HP01. Let’s hope the umbro guy is long-gone from the pool when HP01 makes her grand entrance.

Later, chicas!
Oh happy day. The campsite registration arrived today, along with the new restoration hardware catalog. Hot Pants 01 certainly needed some good news, given that the "swamp" was unbearable today. It’s so bloody hot that even the whoop-it-up-Texans (who live behind HP01) choose to play poker indoors.

Anyhoo, it's official...Coach HotSpeedo is trying to kill HP01. Last night, Coach instructed HP01 to do super-sprints, which totally kicked her ass. HP01 did six sets of 100 meters; each set took about 2 minutes. Prior to the aquatic workout, Coach had HP01 do a ½ hour of lower body weight training, once again kicking her ass.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Don't give me no back talk, sucka.

Mid-afternoon thought…wouldn’t it be nice if HP01 could someday fit into this super cute T?? Of course, she’d have to be 12 years old!

Regardless, HP03 was very impressed with HP01’s office cross-training, which included replacing the water jug at the water cooler, moving around furniture, and lifting a GIANT computer monitor above her head. I believe HP03 remains shocked AND awed!

Weekend Briefing HP03

HP03 bought new kicks on Friday (apparently, running is not as cheap as she remembers). They are not the red ones she saw online and will, unfortunately, clash with the tankinis.

Training: HP03 loves her snooze button and as a result, was forced to power through the midday heat to complete a killer 12 mile run on Saturday at a pace of just over 9 minutes. HP03 needs to slow her roll. She is aiming for a 10:30 training mile, 90 seconds slower than race pace. Maybe she should continue to train in the 9 minute range and make her race pace 7:30 for a 3:20 marathon. Or not.

HP03 sucked down her first goo packet, aka PowerBar Power Gel, this weekend. It was like eating a hot fudge sundae in the middle of a run and it was goo-d. Fingers crossed that she escapes the goo packet addiction that afflicted her boy-fiend this time last year.

Despite the above accomplishments, HP03 took a solid three steps back on Saturday night, by attempting to rehydrate with vodka in lieu of water. Prefontaine would be aghast.

Weekend Update: It’s questionable whether HP01 will endure swimming with carp. But she’ll give it the old “College Try”

Hot Pants 01 & 02 hit the pool for a training session with Coach HotSpeedo on Saturday. What a cluster f***…we were dodging children with floaties and the co-ed scuba class. BTW, scuba in a pool is a bit creepy. Despite the obstacles, HP01 swam 1/3 mile in 10 minutes. Not bad. Coach had a few tips for HP01, but his real mission is to get HP02 on the program. “She needs some serious lessons,” said Coach HotSpeedo.

Sunday…sleep, swim and the Sunday Post! HP01 and Coach HS slept ‘til 3:00pm…what losers! We managed to hit the weights and another 1/3 mile swim sprint. Coach HS helped HP01 with her form and tried to correct her overzealous kicking technique.

HP01’s goal for today (as specified by Coach HS): weight train (lower body), sit-ups, and swim (6 x 100 meter sprints) to increase speed. I think Coach HS is trying to kill HP01 so he can collect her life insurance policy.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Weekend Status: HP02 couldnt find the RenFest

Today HP02 got back on the bike after a month's hiatus. I will admit, the first 10 minutes burned! It didnt help that there were families with small children and groups of large cycling novices insisting to bike next to each other on the path. Idiots!! Now that I am training for a triathlon, I can turn up my nose at those who are merely recreating. :) At one point I almost mowed down a pedestrian, as I tryed to navigate thru the crowd. Some fat old dude stuffed into biker shorts wouldnt MOVE OVER as he was approaching from the opposite direction. Who knew biking on a path would be so freaking perilous! UG!
Anyway, I biked the Capitol Crescent Trail. It was a 14 mile ride, RT, Georgetown to Bethesda and back. It was hard to focus on speed with so many people in my way. Must search for a better training route, in addition to the CBF…

Friday, July 22, 2005

Weekend Training

HP01 Adult Swim with ASU super star/husband
HP02 Ride bike/steed everywhere, including Renaissance Festival 2005
HP03 Run 10 miles. Preform opposition research on camping boyfriend (CBF) for 02.

Day Two

Today was the first team meeting. We are registered for the race and the camp site. I am so excited, it's bringing tears to my eyes. We have purchased tankinis. And padded hot pants. Hotpants 01 has contacted race officials to uncover the truth behind Hotpants 02's critical questions. Hotpants 03 visited her ortho and got the a-ok on the new shoes. Despite the fact that 01 will be swimming with the carp, she feels as if she is in a James Taylor song, running on a country road, which brings us to our next step: team songs.

Day one

Coming soon.