Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

HotPants Outing worth mentioning

Well HP02 has pretty much dropped the ball this summer in terms on timely blogging, but doesnt want great times to go un-noticed. Kudos to HP09 for assembling some people at the last minute to go see the final Screen On The Green of the summer; an EPIC showing of perhaps one of the best movies of all time, Casablanca. In addition to training together for the Iron Girl, HP02, 08 and 09 spent some quality time on the National Mall sipping spritzers and enjoying a classic. So HP09, sorry for the overused line, but 'heres looking at you, kid.'

Iron Girl report, WAY after the fact

HP02 humbly apologizes for not blogging sooner about the AMAZING experience that was her first full triathlon. What great fun!! HP02 was nervous in anticipation for this event for weeks prior, having to run to the bathroom every time she started talking about her endeavor in any detail, but was miraculously able to pull it together on game day and successfully keep her nerves in check. This is huge personal progress for this HP, as in the past nerves have been a major obstacle to accomplishment.

Secondly, I SWAM .62 MILES IN AN URBAN LAKE!! EW! I still cant believe I did it- in fact, on the first half of the swim I got so focused on my rhythm that I overshot the first buoy. Yes, this time I was 'that swimmer' who pulled away from the pack in the complete wrong direction. Dang it! I corrected myself, however, and went on to finish the swim in 37 minutes, a feat I never thought I'd be able to pull off in my first full triathlon. Yihaw!

As I entered T1 I noticed that my neighbor on the bike rack had taken the liberty of moving my stuff, which was irritating, but became infuriating when I got on my bike and realized that the bitch had knocked the chain completely off the bike, wedging it between the frame and the gear shifter thing. It took at least 5 minutes to get it put back on- race staff even had to come over and help me! I guess I should thank her in the end, though, because my fury towards her was applied to the bike course- wait, is it unsportsman of me to have been saying 'fucking bitch' under my breath the whole way?

Anyway, by the time the run came around I had to PEE. But I continued on, and had to walk a few times due to stomach cramping. And this is the part where I realized quite acutely that I hadn't eaten enough for breakfast. That banana and Odwalla bar at 5 in the morning was NOT ENOUGH, because on the run I became so hungry!! I was going to take those Cliff Shots when I was biking, but they fell off the bike within the first 5 minutes.

So ladies, in short it was epic. HP08 and 09 were great fun to do this with, and HP01 ROCKS for coming up and cheering us on so early in the morning, and coming thru with the champagne toast at the end. But the prize goes to HotPantsColoradoParents, for coming out for the event from Colorado to cheer their firstborn on. They are champion fans!!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Well the Ocho is proud to announce that HP02, HP08, and HP09 successfully completed the Columbia Iron Girl this weekend. Like there was ever any doubt!!! HP08 will let HP02 and HP09 tell there own version of events and post there own comments and/or pictures, but as for the Ocho, she felt pretty good about the whole experience.

The morning started early with a 4:15am wake up call for HP08 who then got to rouse HP02 from her slumbering spot on the Ocho's couch 10 minutes before her 4:30am alarm. Opps! Sorry HP02. HP09 picked the ladies up at 4:45am and the HP trio reached the race site before sunrise. Believe it or not, the HPs were beaten there by hundreds of other anxious women and the transition area was already packed and chaotic by the time they arrived. HP09 overheard one supportive spouse/father comment to his 2 year old sone, "There sure a lot of ladies here, buddy." That pretty much summed up the scene.

As for the actual race, the swim was a little rough for the Ocho. HP08 definitely felt the extra 350 meters, but all in all she improved her swim speed and managed not to puke up nasty-ass murky lake water on her jog back to the transition area. HP08 also finally bonded with her bike during the 17.5 mile hilly trek and got herself up to 35 miles an hour flying down one of the last hills. Surprisingly, she did this without slamming on her brakes or screaming bloody murder. The Ocho and her wheels did have one close call with a car that blew through a cop's "stop" sign, but she lived to ride another day. Finally, one the run, the Ocho got her time back down to 9 minute miles for the 3.4 miles which was her personal goal. So, all in all, it was a rewarding and overall excellent experience for HP08. She would highly recommend all of the HPs participate next year.

The Ocho would like to thank HP02 and HP09 for being amazing training buddies and HP01 gets a special shout-out for the above-and-beyond action of showing up at literally the crack of dawn to cheer the HPs on. HP01, you rock!!!

So, here are some photos of the Ocho's experience provided by HP01 and a little look at the end of HP08's journey courtesy of YouTube and HP01.

HP02 and HP08 waiting for their waves to start after HP09 had already hit the water.

The Ocho getting stretched out and ready to go for her swim wave.

HP08's wave in the water waiting for their big start.

The Ocho out of the water and heading for the transition area.

And finally, The Ocho’s finish…

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dream a little dream...

As some of you may or may not know, the Ocho has spent the last two days at home sick, which is a particular bummer considering she has Iron Girl this weekend and hasn't able to train to the best of her abilities because of all of the phlegm. Mmmm...phlegm... So, the combination of stress about this weekend, the lack of training and the isolation (Senor Ocho is out of town) has resulted in a series of whacky Iron Girl-inspired dreams. Mostly, her dreams center around some variety of ill preparedness. In one dream, HP01, HP03, HP08 and HP09 arrive at the race site in plenty of time for the race, but start watching a movie and miss HP09's wave start. In another, the HPs have to wrestle other desperate women of good transitions spots (they aren't assigned in the dream, it's just a free-for-all) and HP03 kicks some major triathlete butt with masking-tape and a sharpie tagging and labeling transition space like a mad woman. So, while she hasn't actually had any dreams about falling off of her bike, drowning or breaking a leg, the Ocho is clearly tense about this weekend's big event. Keep your fingers crossed and remember, no movie watching at the race site.

-Ocho Out

Friday, August 10, 2007

Becky Boots a Squirrel: A Tragedy in One Act

By The Ocho

Act 1, Scene 1

(The audience sees a young, incredibly gorgeous and fit couple jogging toward the DC Armory on a early, balmy summer morning. As the couple approaches a jersey wall** , the male jogger runs through a gap, scaring a squirrel into running directly across the front of the wall and across a second gap just in time for the female jogger to catch the squirrel square in the body with her right foot, clipping the tale with her left foot, sending the squirrel flying.)

Female jogger: (Jumping up and down, flapping hands in the air, screeching) OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! DID YOU SEE THAT!?! OH MY GOD!

Male jogger: (Stopping calmly) Was that a rat?

Female jogger: (Still squealing and jumping from foot to foot, fluttering hands) NO! IT WAS A NASTY ASS SQUIRREL! I DIDN'T JUST KICK HIM! I CAUGHT HIM FULL ON, FULL FORCE UNDER HIS BELLY! THAT IS SO GROSS!!!

Male jogger: (looking back in the direction where the offending squirrel has skittered off) Well don't worry, I think he's ok.


Male jogger: OK, you have to stop that. You look like a girl. Let's go.

(The female jogger regains her composure and the couple starts to jog again.)

Female jogger: Man, I can't believe I just booted a squirrel...


(** set note: the jersey walls should be arranges to allow for two narrow, but separate, gaps only wide enough for one person to fit through with a larger jersey wall between the two gaps.)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A week and a half to go!!

Well, ladies, the Iron Girl Tri is fast upon us, and HP02 has been diligently training, despite the theft of her beloved commuter bike. Saturday it was a bike/run brick with HP09 and 08 at the Arboratum (12.5 and 1.5), Sunday it was a half mile swim and 2 mile run, Monday nearly a mile swim, today a 3 and a half mile run. This HP is clearly focusing on her weak spots. Progress is being made, but regardless since this is HP02's first attempt at an open water swim, she is still convinced she will die in the middle of a lake, tangled up in seaweed and singing "cowboy take me away".

Speaking of...

The cowboy kareoke on Friday night was spectacular- heartfelt performances given by all, especially these talented desperados:

Nature vs. nurture.

Is exaggerated photo staging inherited? Mom pleaded for a normal photo and 03 and Daddy-o-03 kept mixing it up on her ;-)

Speaking of wacky photos... cowboy karaoke posts please.