Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

You Better Work!

So the Ocho has spent much of her last few days getting poked and prodded by various doctors for various reasons and she felt that it was appropriate to share all of her aches and pains with TCP. Yes, probably too much info, but if you're not going to share news about all of your bodily functions with the people you work out with, who will you share with?

First, the root canal yesterday went alright. The Ocho's face is a little sore and just a bit swollen today, but it really could have been worst. The low point was when they started sticking little bits of burning metal in her mouth. Don't ask...just know that it smelled really bad. Well, actually, the low point my have been when they started sticking a bunch of random needles of varying sizes in her cheek and tongue. It was almost like mouth acupuncture, but she had not idea what the purpose was. It was at this point that HP08 just shut her eyes and decided it was better not to know what was going on. The Ocho has to go back in three weeks for her permanent crown.
Since she's 90% sure that the nurse actually dropped her temporary crown on the floor while she was filing it down, she hopes the new crown is handled with care. Hopefully after they get the permanent crown in, HP08 can stay out of the dentist's office for a while since it is by far her least favorite of the doctor categories.

Last time HP08 promised stories about her new physical therapy for her damaged hip flexor. So, here you go... After much delay and whining, the Ocho decided that it was
finally time to get her act together and go and see someone about her chronically sore hip. It started to be a problem during marathon training and has hurt pretty much every days since last September. So yeah, it was a little over due. Well HP06's recommended a little place on Penn and 6th SE and the Ocho went in for her first visit last week. The diagnosis? HP08's left leg is shorter than her right by about a centimeter. Of course the Ocho took this about as well as she did when she was told that she had flat feet (for those of you that don't remember, it didn't go over well.) Apparently, this is a pretty common problem, though, and the difference isn't significant enough for them to "fix it." (HP08 doesn't really want to know how you make one leg longer...) The result of her freakish deformity, however, has been extra strain on her left hip flexor and the Ocho now needs to build up the muscles in her stomach and back to support that hip. So twice a week at 8am HP08 now goes to physical therapy to build her muscles up and get stretched and generally tortured. Lori, her "therapist" seems to think that the problem is fixable and actually, the Ocho is feeling better already. And, it isn't really a bad way to start your day. HP08 assumes it's kind of like starting your day with Yoga, minus the part where Lori digs in to your stomach and back trying to loosen your muscles. The Ocho is trying to be extra good about doing her exercises at home in order to speed along the process, but she does admit that some times she forgets. Just like how she forgot to pack her underwear with her suit today when she packed her work clothes to change in to after this morning's session.

What does this mean for her training you may be wondering? (She can train without underwear.) means that HP08 has been a total bum for the last few weeks. Honestly, the Ocho has decided to give her body a little bit of a break. She's been going strong for almost two years now, between the marathon training and her tri training and thought it might be time for a little repair. However, she knows that it's about time to get back on that horse and get serious again, especially since that swim for Iron Girl is a little more than she's been used to. Lori recommended that she lay off the running for a bit or at least moderate it, (in the Ocho's mind, she remembers Lori saying, "Whatever you do, don't run and sit on your butt on the couch as much as possible") but she really needs to be swimming and biking. As soon as her MRI results come back today and she knows her brain is not going to explode, HP08 is going to put herself on a serious schedule.

Well that's all the news that's fit to print... Happy Thursday!

-Ocho Out.


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