Team Caliente Pantalones

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Friday, December 02, 2005

From the Wonkette....

"Details of the lifestyle Rep. Randy 'Duke' Cunningham financed with bribes continue to unfold. The cars, the houses, the boats, the... furniture. Imagine: a California congressman spent $7000 on antiques, and it's not David Dreier. Makes you suspicious, though, no? Come on, the man's name is 'Duke.' Yet, it appears that the only thing queer about Randy "Duke" Cunningham was his accounting. CorpWatch reports that Cunningham was fond of the ladies, inviting them 'to his yacht. There, two of them told Copley News Service, he would change into pajama bottoms and a turtleneck sweater to entertain them with chilled champagne by the light of his favorite lava lamp.' Cunningham then burbled that he was 'very important,' and told he had 'many leather-bound books,' while his 'apartment smells of rich mahogany'."

Is this guy for real??!?!??! A lava lamp?? Many leather bound books? The smell of rich mahogany?? Nothing gets me turned on like the smell of rich mahogany. It's like a SNL skit. After touching his leather books, and smelling his mahogany they adjourned to the hot tub to dine on goat meat.

HP01 and DenverHotPants this leads me to 3 possible conclusions for the "man" we ran into in Seattle:
1.) Having blocked it out of my memory because I thought of the "man" as just another annoying gnat could this be the "man" we met in Seattle???
2.) More than one man uses the line "I know important people" and/or "I am important." If this is true - who are the women that this is working on???
3.) Duke and Mr. Annoying Seattle have some sort of system, and the "important person" Mr. Annoying Seattle boy was speaking of was the Dukester. In exchange for building the his street cred, the Dukester lets Mr. Annoying Seattle use his lair of love to entertain the stupid women he picks up with that line.


  • At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh my gawd. There's more than one of them?! Unfortunately for Mr. Annoying Seattle, he did not have a yaught, was not all that important, did not smell of mahogany, and likely did own a lava lamp. These guys give me the skeeves.


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