Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

HP Wounded During Cross Training

I woke up Sunday morning to an incredibly sore shoulder. Thinking I had just slept wrong I brushed it off assuming it would be better on Monday. Monday came and the old shoulder was still aching. It wasn't til I hopped in the pool last night to begin my 2.5 mile workout and my arms began throbbing that I realized (and by realize I mean HP01 pointed it out to me) that my bull riding days had caught up with me.
What has been billed as "the most dangerous eight seconds in sports" has more than lived up to its billing for HP04. It's tough being a bull rider. In professional bull riding, it's not if you get hurt, but rather when and how bad - fortunately this bull rider is only mildly hurt.
HP04's 4 seconds of glory has left her with a wounded shoulder. I've been told a shoulder injury - either to a rider's free arm (the arm that remains in the air during the ride) or his riding arm - is bull riding's most common surgically treated injury.
As you can see I share the same injury with another 1,008 bull riders each year! How does one cure a wounded shoulder from bull riding. Retired rodeo star Gary McDaniels says "we just took two aspirin and drank a six pack of beer when we got hurt. And if the pain wouldn't go away, we doubled up on the beer." Having drank probably 6 six packs of beer on Saturday clearly the magic lies in the aspirin which I neglected to take. Thus this Thanksgiving I will be working on healing my shoulder with aspirin and beer!!! Cross training kicks ASS!!! I wonder where one could purhcase a mechanical bull?! I think it should be our team mascot!

Happy turkey day to all HP's!


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