Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Come to me my farting people...come to me!!!!

After last night's class HP04 has come to the realization that she must be a fart whisperer. I can think of no other reason for farting people to always seek me out, other than they're trying to communicate with me somehow. Now, granted I do think a good fart is funny every now and then but every night at pilates class - come on people!!!!! I'd like to once again throw out the question - What are these people eating before a class which they know involves a lot of squeezing of one's core region? Bean burrito's is the only thing I can come up with because the air just flying out of their asses. Not to mention the middle aged man HP01 was referring to was directly above my head - have you all ever had your head farted on??!?!?! It's not pleasant. Especially when trying to roll up but my stomach muscles wouldn't let me because what little muscle I had was replaced by frosted animal crackers on the marathon eating contest that was the night of camping this past weekend.
I've narrowed last night's offensive emission three types:
1. Beefy One: Sounds loud and butch, e.g., 'BRAAAMMPPP!' Smells like a cross between a decaying meadow muffin on a hot day and a fresh dog-turd. or,
2. Bunbuster: 'BRAAAP!' Sounds something like a Beefy One, except much more sudden and much more powerful. May smell either eggy or beefy. Leaves your asshole smarting. You really feel these babies. or,
3. Ripper: Sends seismic ripples to the next town. Rips the seams in the crotch of your pants. This fart genuinely hurts, and you can still feel it 20 minutes later. Anyone sitting nearby may experience hearing loss.
I think it was most like the "beefy" one. HP01, how would you rate it?

Been busy at the gym swimming and lifting (and by lifting i mean rendering my arms useless. thanks HP03. But do not fear while I can't karate chop I can still kick!!! KOTO!). Back to gym to swim tonight - killed my knee riding bike without knee brace on sunday so no running for a week - stupid bike!

In conclusion, I would just like to say HP01 makes the worlds best enchiladas. Better than any restaurant I've ever been to - I can't stop thinking about them. They were soooooo gooood! Some bad ass mexican cheesey goodness!!! I've got a fever and the only prescription in more enchilada!!!


  • At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    DenverHotPants must consume beano prior to attempting a pilates class (embarassing lesson needing only to be learned once). We will blame this on the high altitue from living a mile above sea level. Yeah, that's it.


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