Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Fart Free Evening at the Gym

HP04 had blissful evening free of gas at the gym last night. I started in the pool with HP03 and I must add I'm very impressed with HP03's skills. She's quite the athlete that I didn't recognize her under water - in fact my thought was "that can't be HP03. That person is swimming too fast" but it was her! I think part of HP03's success in the pool last night was not only the exceptional tips she's been getting from HP04 and HP01 but also the retirement of her 1995 purple psychedelic swimsuit (sadly the purple montster is no more). Rock on HP03 - you kick ass!!

Just as Hp03 was leaving to head to a luv'as dinner with SB (No doubt a dinner of goat meat in the jacuzzi) HP01 arrived. So HP04 kept on swimming. It was right after HP03 left that HP04 spotted (for the second night in a row) the man that likes to put it all out there at the pool. This guy wears a speedo ON TOP of his shorts and you can still see ALL his junk. Ladies I saw both cock AND balls. Why do men feel the need to put it all out there? No one wants to see that! I think it should be required that all men wear a codpiece under their speedo. I mean really is it appropriate?? Unless of course he looks like matthew - then he can wear whatever he wants!

After recovering from my cock and ball sighting Hp04 continued to swim with HP01 and ended up swimming almost 3 miles. Whooohooo HP04 - I felt great and definitely could have swam more but my arms (still sore from lifting with HP03 on Monday) were like jelly and my stomach was growling. HP01 coaxed me out of the pool with promises of enchiladas.
This is what TEAM is all about - I can't think of a better team mate than the one that makes you dinner twice in three days! There's no "I" in team but there sure as shit is "enchilada" in this team!!! I hope that when I die and am rotting in the second level of hell there are plenty of provisions for HP01 to make her kick ass enchiladas!!!

My belly full with enchilada meat I left the Welshley Arms Motel (aka casa HP01) and headed to my house. By the time I hit 395 I was quite pooped after my long swim and big meal. As I drove along I started to notice everyone was flying down 395. I couldn't believe how fast people were going...Until I looked at my speedometer and realized I was going 40 mph. WTF is wrong with me?
Long ass swim + big enchilda man = HP04 drives like Grandma
This is me leaving for work this morning....


  • At 5:53 PM, Blogger Team Caliente Pantalones said…

    Matthew McC is totally packing! There are more pics that testify to his business. Incorporated!

    And um, HP03's vote on man parts exposure -- if you got it flaunt it!


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