Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Confessions of a Champion Binger

HP02 would like to thank the HPs out there for not judging her and her totally sporadic approach to training and blogging in the new year. Unfortunately the maturity and evolving that is supposed to take place when a girl reaches her thirties has not yet paid a visit to this HP, and as such she remains a binger in every sense of the word. I just wish I hadnt given myself all those props a few months back about how great I was for being the only one consistently blogging. Who's the loser now??

This training report is not the most inspiring post this blog has ever seen, but rather its considered to be one step closer to getting back on the wagon. After a solid month and a half of consistent training @ the beginning of the year, HP02 got sick, was down for about 2 weeks with the black lung, and then proceeded to procrastinate, all the while living the "rock and roll all night, and party every day" lifestyle. For like a month and a half. Which in turn sank her ambition and general outlook on life. The problem with physical fitness is that while its great to talk about, it is SUCH a pain in the ass to maintain. But its just the beginning of the season, and since we simply dont have time for bullshit (or pussies) I will take after HP01 and quote the sagely Emenem: "Success is my only other motherfucking option, failures not"!!
Athletic endeavors in the near future: 15 mile bike ride to Bethesda on Saturday or Sunday, weight training and stretching on Sunday, and Combat Kickboxing with KM on Monday night. Thats right, Combat Kickboxing. I only wish I was the one who thought up such a class to offer the world with such a KICKASS name- I am SO going to listen to Emenem before it starts!


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