Team Caliente Pantalones

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Chastity belts are so last season.

God bless the old white man as he strives for his piece of the equality pie... wait a minute here...

Not to turn TCP into the RenegadeCrafters page (which is tres lovely... in fact, maybe HP03 can get in on a little guest blog, DHP, waddaya say?), but did you read the NYTimes OpEd page today? Admittedly, Kristoff has been a bit off the mark lately with his whole "hero journalist" thing he works into all his stories that are "saving people's lives," but today's peice is... funny. The pro-abortion policy, a bit far...but libidophobes? That's renegade sass.

"Plan B, the emergency contraceptive, normally prevents pregnancy when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex — although it is most effective when taken within 24 hours. It is now available in most of the U.S. only by prescription, but the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have both endorsed it for over-the-counter use.

"President Bush's Food and Drug Administration has blocked that, apparently fearing that better contraception will encourage promiscuity. But unless the libidophobes in the administration mandate chastity belts, their opposition to Plan B amounts to a pro-abortion policy.

"One study, now a bit dated, found that if emergency contraceptives were widely available in the U.S., there would be 800,000 fewer abortions each year. And even though they are generally available only by prescription, emergency contraceptives averted 51,000 abortions in 2000, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

"That's one of the paradoxes in the abortion debate: The White House frequently backs precisely the policies that cause America to have one of the highest abortion rates in the West. Compared with other countries, the U.S. lags in sex education and in availability of contraception — financing for contraception under the Title X program has declined 59 percent in constant dollars since 1980 — so we have higher unintended pregnancy rates and abortion rates. "

In all the holyrollin' circles the real question remains, does your chastity belt match your shoes ladies?


  • At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for the shout out HP 03 and you are always welcome as a guest blogger with the crafters!

    In Colorado, we defeated a proposal that would have put the definition of pregancy as the period from fertilization to live human birth into our constitution. Not statute, constitution. Party-line vote.

    Also interesting from our emergency contraception hearing this year (the bill was vetoed), did you know that a woman can be "pre-pregnant". Has had sex without the interference of contraceptives but sperm and egg have not yet united. Seriously. Evidently we should not put ANYTHING in our bodies during this time. Every sperm and the vessel is sacred.

  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger Team Caliente Pantalones said…

    I had "impure" thoughts this morning could i be pre-pregnant? Oh no, I just had another impure thought am i twice as pre-pregnant???
    Take my ovaries i'm not worthy....

  • At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    After a few drinks one of my favorite Repub State Reps said "So if I get a hard on and a woman across the room is ovulating, is she pre-pregnant?"

    Also from the hearing, a number of teen-age boys from the New Life Church (I mean cult) testified that easier access to emergency contraception would increase the rate of rape in Colorado. So, evidently rape is now a sex act and not an act of violence. And, WHAT KIND IF SHIT is this crazy church teaching these boys. Obviously not to respect women at all. WTF?

    I really need to post a blog about this on renegadecrafters. I'm still harboring hostility.

  • At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I heard my neighbors having sex last night. Am I pre-pregnant?


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