Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

What up, HP's??

In the last week, only 3 HPs have blogged. WHAT UP WITH THAT? I know you ladies are busy, but let's give the fans what they want...lots-o-hotpants, and all of your wacky stories. BRING IT!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Getting ready for VACATION!!

Well, this HP has had many things on her mind recently… unfortunately none of them had to do with her training. While HP 05 has tried her best to keep up with her previously posted schedule, not all has gone well. It could be because of her midterm 2 weeks ago (which involved a lot of cramming and writing a paper proposal), her regional tech conference (which was here in DC and required her to work before AND after the 4 days of 8 hour meetings). But no, HP05 is taking a break from training to focus on her VACATION!! Yes, this HP is crossing the little pond, and going a bit further to BULGARIA!!! She will be there for 10 days visiting her do gooder brother who is in the Peace Corps. Not sure what we will do, but definitely some hiking in the mountains, drinking some beer (it’s cheaper than water), shopping, who knows… it will be in Bulgaria!!
All training has not been lost. If anyone is keeping count of the newly purchased clips for Carlos, they have been used. However, not on the road. How you ask… well HP05 invested in a trainer. HP 05 and Carlos are getting used to the shoes and clips so hopefully when she returns from vacation, there will not be too many falls…

Sunday, March 26, 2006

TCP Brings Home Trophy!

This will be the likely headline on the April 24th blog post, after the Lake Anna TRI. Is this because TCP kicks ass? YES! Is this also because TCP is comprised of stellar lady athletes? YES!
It has nothing to do with the fact that TeamCalientePantalones is the only registered relay team competing in next month's TRI.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

California, California...

HP08 traveled to LaLa land this weekend for a little fun in the semi-sun. In reality it would have been nice if it was about 15 degrees warmer and HP08 had had about 3 more days, but it was a very nice trip anyway. HP08 felt that she did a pretty good job of sticking to her routine while she was on vacation. ok, so there isn't really a routine, but she did move around a bit. On Saturday HP08 spent the day walking up and down Melrose working out her wallet. Sunday HP08 went for an actual run in the Venice Boardwalk pictured here. Her hang over made the whole thing a little rough, but she got a good run in.
On Sunday night HP08 had a solid vocal workout karaokeing at the Gaslite in Venice. Just so everyone knows, LA is full of karaoke ringers. There is no messing around. HP08 held her own. The Ocho would like to propose an HP karaoke night. Come on ladies, we could rock this town!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Proud to be an HP

It appears that the army has blocked the Hot Pants blog from our troops in Iraq as "inappropriate material". SS has been keeping up to date on our activities but when he went to visit our site this week it was blocked.

I'd just like to take this moment to say I am so proud to be a part of this team. I'm not sure I ever thought I'd meet a group of women as raunchy, lewd, dirty minded and fun loving as myself.

Two words: Hot Pants fucking ROCK!!!!! Censor that!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Belated but Heartfelt Thank You

HP02 would like to dedicate this post to the generosity of the Ackermans, grossly after the fact. They were gracious in letting us stay in their home, especially considering the precarious timing of our trip (right before their two week vacation to Mexico). Uncle Oso and Aunt Rayne, you guys are tops!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Bienvenida HP09!!

The HPs whooped it up on Friday night in celebration of the newest member of TeamCalientePantalones, HP09! THE NUEVE ROCKS!! Welcome to the team!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

HP02: "You know what would be fun right about now? Over doing it!"

So HP02's triumphant explosion back into the world of recreation has redefined the concept of overkill. The ass whooping received on the bike Friday from HotPants Ricky was followed up the next day by a ball busting 6 mile hike in Shenandoah- Little Devil Stairs. HP02 delivered a proper spanking to GM in the form of a MAD pace up the rocky incline...a 2 hour ascent was cut in half, and all parties were struggling to catch their breath when it was all said and done. THEN, to outdo her accomplishment the day before, HP02 got up early Sunday to go on the longest run of her life with HP01 and CoachHotSpeedo. CHS was going to show us a new route. The run started off well, with each setting their own pace and CHS leading the way. CHS runs at a pace no one but a marathon runner could match, and it didnt take long before he was out of sight. HP02 just kept running and running until she was past Old Town, past 495, pretty much on her way to Mt. Vernon when she realized that she was supposed to have turned somewhere. She was inches close to just parking it in a coffee shop and calling HP01 for a lift, but she SUCKED IT UP and ran all the way back. All in all she tacked a mile or two on to the intended length of the run, but can now proudly say she has run 6 miles before!! Yihaw! The rest of the day was spent with MM, brunching and shopping with her new 2 month old daughter. The only thing left to do now is figure out where she is going to find a wheelchair to take me to work in the morning??

Friday, March 10, 2006

Nomination. Second. Confirmed.

The OT HPs would like to nominate HP69. Second'd. And confirmed.

HP69 is proud to represent all HPs in their anonymous bids for the now floating title of "El Horro."

Now HPs, let us remember that as we post our comments or rebuttal posts, that we avoid identifying HP69 through a process of elimination.

Bring it.

"When you run with the Big Dogs you cant Piss like a Puppy"

Lunchtime Bikeride + Mad Wind = Loss of Mojo for HP02...holy crap its windy today! But its 70 outside, so HP02 couldnt resist a lunch time ride with the resident office triathlete, HotPants Ricky. It is the first time this HP has ventured out with such a high calibur, seasoned athlete (you should see the 'wall of victory' in his office- like 500 medals!), and let me tell you it took some nerve because 1. HotPants Ricky has a $5000 "tri-bike" (and HP02 rode her mountain bike to work today), and 2. a solid month of laziness has definatly taken its toll. To make matters worse, it was a spontaneous adventure, which means that HP02 had no water with her. UG! HotPantsRicky gave HP02 a 15 minute head start, and she beat him to Bethesda, but he easily handed her her ASS on the way back. BUT, you've got to start somewhere, and the first 70 degree day of 2006 is as good a time as any! Being the excellent sportsman that he is, HotPantsRicky made good use of his time once he returned to the office, and had a Jamba Juice waiting for HP02 upon her return.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Carlos is READY!!!

So HP05 FINALLY used her birthday money to get the long awaited for clip less pedals. Everyone at the bike store applauded her and Carlos when they walked in, stating they were ready to switch away from the baskets. Don’t they look pretty!! Due to HP05 large fins (wait, feet) she had to
1. Buy men’s, and
2. Buy more expensive shoe because of her bunions. Stupid feet!!
HP01 and 02, you have clip pedals, right? Do you fall? This is all new to HP05 is a bit frightened…
Even though she is scared, that will not stop this HP. Instead, HP05 would now like to start the official tracker of now many times she falls off the bike because she could not clip out in time.
As of 3/9/06
Rides – 0
Falls – 0

That could change after this weekend…

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Belated Gracias!

I love hotpants who drink and dial! Even the siete got a piece of the Birthdayback Mountain action courtesy of the beautiful 02 and 04. She could never quit you girls.

In other news, if any of you would like to tour your city's many historical sites and monuments with 60 precious eigth graders, I'll be there the last week in April. I know it's an invitation that is hard to pass up. . . . . . .

Take this Job and Shove IT

As she was sweating it out tonight for the first time in a month at the gym, HP02 realized that the day job has been cutting out the gym-time. This changes today. From now on, HP02 is leaving work at 6:00, unless there is an extenuating circumstance, and not only that, she is going to start biking to work again. The cycled commute had to go once it started getting dark early, but now that the sun is out longer it must be balls back on that wall!

In other news, how about that front page of the WashingtonPost today?? Oy y vey- how come no one told me there was going to be a thousand latinos on the National Mall protesting immigration yesterday? I picked up that paper this morning and my blood started racing. If I'd only known...I'd have hot plans after the HP meeting on Friday night. Or perhaps I'd be bringing a friend.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

HP05…. A month in review

Okay, this HP used to blog weekly, now it’s monthly, hopefully soon to be AT LEAST weekly again. Here is HP05’s catch-up blog…

February was dominated by the HP Steamboat trip. Ahhh, fond memories of “Follow the Helmet”, “I wish I knew how to quit you” and of course the amazing scenery. For the most part, HP05’s workout schedule has been fairly regimented.
Monday – stationary bike, 45 minutes. HP05 needs to get over here fear of Carlos and get him some new pedals. Soon Carlos… soon
Tuesday – 45 minute weights class with a she-devil instructor. She kicks this HP’s ass every week!
Wednesday – Run out side or a Latin dance class if it’s raining. No laughing at the though of HP05 dancing. We all know she can’t dance, has no rhythm, but the class is fun which is all that matters
Thursday – Another 45 minutes weights class
Friday – DAY OFF
Saturday – Have been consistently running 4-5 miles
Sunday – Swim, swim, and more swimming

As always, work and school have gotten in the way of doing much else. The workouts have also been pretty uneventful, but this HP knows what is necessary.
So far the knees are doing okay. The shoulder is starting to hurt, but HP05 is constantly working on perfecting her stroke for the upcoming 4.4 mile swim. Ahhh, the 4.4 mile swim. This will be fun!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Here we go now, here we go- come and feel me flow...

OK so truth be told, HP02 took three weeks off of training...first sickness, then laziness ( but for the record, the sickness lasted a good two weeks). And for the record, tonight was supposed to be the grand debut at the gym, but instead HP02 finds herself at home, organizing her gift wrapping material, listening to the Siete's mid-90's handiwork. These were the days when making a kick ass musical mix was paramount, and HP07's masterpiece, entitled "Bootie Call" was (and still is) truly that. I mean, where are you going to find Da Brat, Vanilla Ice, Naughty by Nature and Tupac on the same compilation, followed up by some sassy attitude from En Vogue ?? At my house, ladies (that is if you can handle a tape deck...).

Actually, HP02 and the newest addition to TeamHotPants, la Nueve, rocked the National Mall on Saturday...a proper reintroduction to fitness for HP02. La Nueve is smokin! While we were nowhere near Tres, Siete or Nuevo proportions, we worked up a healthy sweat, and HP02 has been consistantly sore for the last two days...Id say that's progress!! Especially considering that HP09's bedtime on Friday night was 5am... yet another one who is balls to the wall, ladies, balls to the wall.

From the White House to the frat house...wait a minute, I'm noticing a pattern about that place...

Saturday was a big day for HP03. Not training wise --please people, don't be silly -- but activities notheless.
She started the day off with a crazed Costco trip and keg run. She transitioned to a West Wing tour with HP04 and then rushed home to prep for her Birthdayback Mountain: You Wish You Could Quit Us bash.

Good times...I think...

Some of you may have seen the ads by Mastercard calling on viewers to "Write your own" ad copy. Here goes...

Huge bottle of red wine: Free from the 'rents.
Keg of crap beer: Fifty nine dollars.
Tequila shooters and lime: Three for two dollars at the Super Giant and discovered in cabinet.
Camera film: Ten dollars.
Western shirt from eBay: Thirteen dollars.
Getting tipsy, molesting your boyfriend's friend, getting caught by the man you love, and catching these events as they unfold on Polaroid: Priceless.

Anyway...let's cut to the chase. Big thanks to all you bitches who let me get wasted on red wine and tequila. I'll remember that.

Can someone please explain this to me.....

HP03 & HP04 head to the sushi place in the Sizzling Express this afternoon to pick up lunch. We place our order and are killing time walking around looking at all the different things they sell while waiting for our sushi. HP03 makes a beeline for the candy and we're looking at all the different japanese treats they have when HP04 looks up at the shelf above and what's on the shelf above the candy but baby oil.
HP04 points this out to HP03 with the comment "what a weird thing to sell at the sizzling express."
We continue to nose around killing time when HP03 leans over and says to HP04 "they also sell enema's here." Huh???? HP04 looks up and sure enough on the shelf is not just one enema but a whole row of them!
I DO NOT get this at all....If someone had to buy an enema why would they go to the sizzling express to do it? When did buying an emema become an impulse buy?
HP04 is having a really hard time grasping this one - its just so weird! However, HP03's reply is "no way man that's good to know. One stop shopping. Pick up your sweet and sour chicken and the enema"
Is this some sort of sick joke people are playing on the sizzling express owners - filling out comment cards requesting enema's???? What has happened to the good old china buffet? Someone, please explain!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Manny's back

It's that time of year again, HP06's favorite boys are back in uniform. In honor of spring training, and Manny's return to the Red Sox, HP06 joined some friends for an easy jog yesterday morning. Funny how the Cherry Blossom 10-miler - sort of a start to the road race season - almost coincides with the Red Sox season opener at Texas. Fate?

If Manny can return to the Red Sox and Schilling can get back on the mound after a so-so season, then HP06 can fully committ to her training schedule as well. After all, she has to do her team proud when wearing her lucky #38 jersey when running. This is no Florida but nothing beats running in Washington this time of year. Go Sox.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Oh Joy!

REI dividend check arrived today! The Uno is literally one happy camper.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hey 02, 05, 06...What's with blog-silence??

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Third Person Glory:

"I understand that they don't want Santorum's name on anything that's going to pass."
-- Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) on himself, lobbying reform and Dems, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3/1

Semi-related note, you can't be opposed to gay marriage if you rock an orange blazer...c'mon man.

The Missing Ocho

Ok, so HP08 has been MIA for a while and she apologizes for that. Where has HP08 been you may ask? Traveling the country with her boss to pormote immigration reform. Before you even think it, no, it wasn't fun. HP08 is exhausted. So exhausted in fact that she quit half way through her run on Saturday. It was tragic really. HP08 redeemed herself last night by running 7 1/2 miles...the longest distance of her life, even though she had to pee the entire time. Ok, so here are some photos of places HP08 been and things she's been doing. For some reason many of them turned out kind of dark, but here you go.