Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Tisk, tisk, tisk

I can't believe HP03 hid this picture behind a hyperlink. This should be front and center on our blog all the time...I heart McSteamy

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Walkin' on Sunshine...Oh Oh...

The Ocho has an announcement to make...
HP08 has decided to come to grips with the fact that she has flat feet. For those of you poor souls that were around when the news was diagnosed with "flat feet," you'll recognize what a big step this is for her.

(Doctor: Oh, well for starters, you have flat feet.
Ocho: No I don't! You have flat feet!

*ten minutes later in car Papa Ocho innocently answers the phone in the middle of the day*

Papa Ocho: Hello Jensens!

Some may be wondering why HP08 was even bothered by this prognosis and to be honest, she can't really tell you. The important thing is, though, that she has accepted it and is ready to make adjustments in her life to compensate for her defect, err..."challenge." What this really means is that the Ocho is investing a little extra money and getting shoes that are actually made for her type of feet. Introducing the Asics GEL-Kayano XII:

The Ocho still loves the Asics 2100 series, but is hoping that these fancy (translation: expensive) shoes will help her to have a long life of walking on her big ol' flat feet. Oh, and the fact that they match the tankini is just a bonus!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Neeewwww Biiikkke!

HP04 just bought a new TRI bike!!! Wooohoooo! So excited and can't wait to get on it! Don't worry the Scott is being passed down to the Ocho so she can start full TRIs. What can I say..expensive purchases motivate me to work out!!


If any of the HPs need a new or replacement Tankini, the Ocho found them on sale today:

(PS...HP08 is a little worried that they might be discontinuing the beloved tankini...)

No dice.

HP03 grabbed lunch with the "advance guys" and another coworker.

Advance are HUGE Bushies and are lead by a big Bushie (who is *shocker* a bit of a dick). They are like big to the point that I'm not sure I can properly explain it. In fact, one said this AM in response to the WH's presser on the AG scandal, "What? They haven't even done anything wrong. I just don't get it."

At the risk of losing something HP03 will just excerpt a portion of the lunch convo:

NHstaffer: Is Gray's new tonight?
03: Dunno, missed it last week. I think she's still dead.
NHstaffer: Damn.
Advance1: Dr. Burke was at the WH.
NHstaffer: Why not McDreamy?
03: Why not McSteamy?
Advance1: Well, he apparently actually does stuff like deworms kids in Africa or something.
NHstaffer: Yeah, but he's the one that got all the bad press for the stuff he said.
03: I'm pretty sure the WH invited him because of the shit he said.
NHstaffer: *slight laugh*
Advance1-3: Total Silence.
03: Ka-kaw.

This guy has loads of time on his hands, but it's kind of funny.

Oh, and no working out for 03 as of late, but she did just eat TWO boxes of orange tic tacs in less than five minutes.

Monday, March 19, 2007


So...the Ocho is wandering around the uber-excellent sale at Sports Authority on Sunday and stumble across a whole section of attire in the women's section that she has deemed UNACCEPTABLE for serious athletes. The first of these items is the padded sports bra described as a "full-figure sports bra that lets you look like a natural woman." Ok, HP08 can sympathize with those women that might need more support in the sportbra department, BUT! if you are concerned that you don't look like a "natural woman" while exercising you may want rethink your "goals" at the gym. The second offender was a gathered tank-top with frills on the front and spaghetti straps. HP08 doesn't need to repeat her argument in relation to this item. So, while the Ocho gathered up her new bike shorts and her excellent new running jacket, she turned her back on those frilly, shimmery, overly matching items and embraced the fact that real women sweat, smell bad and have tube-boob when they're working out.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Damn it.

Day 1 Without Dessert at Lunch: HP03 devours her left index finger nail instead. Ew.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Too damn cold

HP03 is back, sort of. She is in the hinterland frezzing her ass off. Well, again, sort of. If only it were that easy, especially because 03 weighed herself the other day and is officially a full 17 lbs over where she thinks she's like to be and a full 12 over where she has EVER GONE BEFORE. Seriously, what is 03 supposed to do? Stop taking chips at lunch? Stop supplementing chips, snadwich and *diet* soda with whoopie pies? Ugh. Such work.
...So she's started running. Sort of. She ran outside on Sunday afternoon and Monday morning after her now infamous 7am conference call. The Monday run was in 24 degree weather and 03's lungs were feeling it. But since Tuesday it has been at least -18 outside and she dare not go. So... 03 has hit the treadmill at her local YMCA ($39 per month, single adult membership --less is more when it comes to gym costs since she never goes). HP03 loathes treadmills. Weds night's 3 miles took 03 8:30 each and she was feeling it. Yes, she is out of shape. But more importanly, she is too easily distracted. Stock tickers on CNBC. NCAA tourney games on ESPN. Fat guy on eliptical. Frat guy throwing free weights. Chubby chic in spandex and jewlery. It goes on and on.

HP03 longs for 30degree weather of DC and child's playtime of old, not this new fangled crap.

Little known fact...

IAFF stands for I Am Fucking Furious.

Really, any excuse to post photos of smokin' firefighters (thinking about setting my house a' blaze) works for me. But yeah, so these guys are pissed at the Rudester.

Ride the wave ... from jackass radio personality all the way to jackass WH spokesman

I know, I owe the blog and the HPs a major post, but this was too good to resist. The frat house returns to the White House, again

WH Press Sec. Tony Snow got a crowd of gov't employees and appointees "to do the wave... twice" 3/6 to "pump them up" for a speech by Pres. Bush at Constitution Hall. "When the crowd initially paused, Snow implored them, 'No really: Get up and do the wave!'" Everyone, "Cabinet members and all" complied. Then, to get them "really geeked up," Snow "made the crowd do another wave" before he introduced Laura Bush (Dufour/Gavin, DC Examiner, 3/8).

Phat shout out to my bro-bra T-dogg Snow for inciting the always-dignified-wave at Consti-fucking-tution Hall.

What a raging band of idiots.

Much love, 03

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Ocho's first "TRI"

Well Ladies, she did it. The Ocho finally completed her first Triathlon. Ok, so it wasn't an actual outdoor triathlon or anything like that, but she did swim, bike and run and it all kicked her butt. It was a pretty good time all in all, and HP08 would recommend it to anyone that was looking to break in to the triathlon-ing scene. Below you will find photos from the Ocho's big adventure. In the end, she swam 425 meters in 10 minutes, biked 9.3 miles in 30 minutes, and ran 2.11 miles in 20 minutes. Not too shabby. Oh, and the Lifetime Fitness in Centerville is a mecca for excercise freaks. It's bigger than most high schools.

The Ocho getting ready in the pool. (That's her blue swim cap in the middle.)

The Ocho swimming her heart out. (Look at that form HP04!)

Cooling down at the end of a long day. Shout out for the tankini!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Where or where has the Ocho gone?

HP08 is sure that the HotPants have been heart-sick over the absence of the Ocho as of late. As a response to their curiosity, the Ocho took this photo of her work space:
Yes...this is really where the Ocho works. It really isn't usually this bad.'s not. However, HP08 has always felt that her desk reflects how she feels about work and life at that moment...well there you go.