Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

HotPantsLoser wishes her teammates a FANTASIC race!!

HP02 feels like the only one not competing in Saturday's race! Not competing, but she will definatly be participating! GOOD LUCK HOT PANTSes!! Fan Numero Uno will be there bright and early and in full effect, complete with her little calfbell, to embarass the hell out of HP01's in-laws. Yihaw!!

Gettin' Pumped with the Plague

Well this week has been a rough one for the Ocho. She apparently got some kind of plague/flu/chest cold due to her "hard living" (as coined by Senor Ocho) on Friday night and it has managed to kick her ass for most of the week. Luckily she got her run in on Monday and will attempt another 3 miles tomorrow so that she'll be ready for the 3.2 at General Smallwood on Saturday morning. She was aiming for 8 minute a mile, but now HP08 just wants to finish without passing out. Don't worry HP04 and HPTina, we will triumph, we will finish, we are women hear us roar! Ok, so it might be more like "I am HotPants, hear my cough," but either way, no matter what the sound, it will be at the finish line.

In other news, the Marathon is one month from Friday. Holy Sh*t! The Family Ocho is making reservations to come out and cheer the Ocho on. No backing out now!


HP01 has finally taken HP02's advice and sought the help of acupuncture to rid the Uno of her stress/anger/back pain...and holy shit, it works! GuruCarole sensed the Uno's deep-rooted anger towards the incompetent fuckers that killed her dog in June and prescribed the Seven Dragons, a procedure focused on releasing negative emotion out of the body and balancing the chi. The unblocking of HP01's Chi will take some time, but she's well on her way to holistic renaissance. TAKE THAT, MR. CHI! Not to be confused with Mr. Chips, who could actually use a little acupuncture to straighten out the bastard!

This weeks' training included lots of running and swimming in the neighbor's endless pool, which is like battling the Schuylkill River all over again, minus the pollution. Very cool, but not for everyday training. Plus, there's no Hot-T lifeguard at the neighbor's pool, and really, what then, is the point?

With 2 days left before the General Smallwood TRI, the Uno is ready rest and carb-load! How 'bout a trip to Coochies?

Monday, September 25, 2006

HP03 is a total Bad/Jack Ass!

HP03, one of many delinquent HP bloggers, has come to announce that she hasn't been delinquent because she hates the HPs, but rather because she hates working out. Or does she? Yesterday, after a solid nights sleep, the first one in far too long, HP03 woke up and lounged around on her couch and then decided it was time to it the road again. While HP03 loathes swimming and biking and lifting, as of late, she does miss the running )and she is over her newly developed squish). HP03 has been telling herself for the past two weeks that she will start running again and hasn't, until yesterday. It was sooooo lovely outside. HP03 took off from CHeights and headed for the step climb in Cleveland Park, when she got there she decided to keep going. Just as she was prepping to head back she spotted a sign for the National Cathederal and then the Cathederal itself so she ran to it. And then ran down WI. Then didn't know where she was and then spotted a bar or two (thank you drunken GPS) and realized she was in Glover Park. All the left turns to head back to CT were curvy or dead end roads so HP03 kept going hoping to recognize a familiar street name. And the she was in Georgetown. And this is when it occurred to her that, while hooray for a lovely long run, she now had to run back. She cut down P street and through Dupont and AMorgan to finally, two hours and just over ten miles later, end up back on her doorstep. Yikes.

Gorgeous? Yes. Relaxing? Yes. Ill advised? Yes. Sore? Yes.

Liberating? Yes!

The Ocho and the Uno deserve some Snaps

Ocho and Uno win the prize for being the most dedicated bloggers of the summer- bravo! You have inspired your teammates with your tales of kick ass training, and HP02 has been inspired by your dedication!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm addicted to the Crystal Method.

With the help of the Crystal Method, HP02 has attempted to finally get her shit together. After a summer of being dissatisfied with her attitude towards work and life in general, and dissatisfied with the music on her Ipod as well, she downloaded Crystal Method's "Vegas" album and enrolled in classes at Georgetown. HP02 will now be in class studying web development every other weekend, Saturday AND Sunday from 9-6--yikes! Feeling on a roll and ready to move improve on another part of her banal existence, HP02 then proceeded to rip it up in the gym last week- HP02's tri season is over, but plans to hike, bike and rockclimb like a madwoman on what weekends she has to herself! Wednesday it was a half an hour on the bike, followed by a half an hour of leg lifts, ab work and stretching. Thursday a 26 mile bike ride with HP01 after work. Friday a lunchtime 10 miler on the bike, and Saturday a half an hour of cardio on the bike and weights. This weekend was the first of the web development classes, and HP02 now sits here dazed, confused, exhausted and AMAZED she wililngly gave up her weekends until March. Idiot!! She is comforted with the fact that classes are only every other weekend- now HP02 is even more excited for the General Smallwood tri next weekend. Who's gonna be cheer on the HotPants with me??

Friday, September 22, 2006

HP02...The Great Motivator

HotPants01 is back on her training schedule, thanks to HP02 perpetual ass-whoopin' of the Uno all week long! After the Uno's Sunday morning (7:30am) tennis match with DC's powerhouse intellectuals, HP01 & 02 set off to Sugarloaf Mountain for mountain biking and hiking. This includes 2 miles of continual steep incline up the mountain on our hot is that? HP01's ass was burning! Then, we set off for a 2 hour hike among the beautiful canopy of trees, followed by a tasty brunch in the charming town of Poolesville. All of which were accomplished before 1:30pm. PERFECT!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday were running days for HP01 (and the Beaver). Nothing like the Ocho, but an accomplishment for the Uno, who as you know loathes running. But with the TRI just days away, she doesn't have time to be a pussy.

Thursday's AM run was followed by a crappy day of meetings and conference calls, so an evening 26-mile bike with HP02 was in order! IMotherfuckingLoveThisWeather! Thanks HP02! Oh, and thanks 500mg of Aleve...I couldn't do it without either!

As for the Old Lady, her new wheelchair arrived Wednesday and she is loving it! We've gone strolling the streets in the morning, and she's getting so good that it's hard to keep up with her. She even got to show off her new wheels at the vet this morning. The Old Lady is such a gear-whore!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Thank God...the Ocho Survives

OK, well HP08 and Senor Ocho did their 20 mile run on Saturday morning. What is important is that they both survived and they completed the 20 miles. They also did it in about 3 hours and 20 minutes which was their goal. What is less important was that it was MISERABLE! Seriously, never run 20 miles if you can avoid it. Seriously. Miserable.

Both of the Ochos were feeling pretty good until mile 12 but then it went down hill pretty quickly. First, HP08 had to beg the woman at the YMCA to use their bathroom telling her it was "an emergency" making her feel like a 4 year old that was being potty trained. After that, while the bathroom situation was taken care of, the fatigue started to set in. At about mile 17, the Ocho turned to Senor Ocho and said "I hate you a little bit right now for making me do this." At mile 18, HP08's body essentially shut down, her mind went blank and she knew that if she didn't just keep running her whole body would become as stiff as a board and she wouldn't be able to move. At mile 19 the Ocho would have started crying if she had had any fluids left in her body to spare. As mile 20 ended, HP08 became completely overwhelmed by her excitement that it was done and almost forgot about the pain. Then she stopped running and everything in her entire body tightened in to one big, solid muscle. But not in a good way.

As they hobbled back to their car, Senor Ocho commented that “There are certain body types that are made for running…” HP08 replied, “You mean people with long legs and no body fat?” Senor Ocho, “yes.” Ocho, “And neither of us have either of those things going for us?” Senor Ocho, “Right.”

The stairs up to the their seats at the UT-Florida game later in the day were a little rough and the half mile walk back and forth to their parking spot at the game wasn't too fun either, but between the walking to get rid of the lactic acid and a trusty can of tuna post-run to repair muscle tears, they were feeling alright on the way home on Sunday.

So, three weeks until the 23 miles and then 3 weeks until the MARATHON!

Friday, September 15, 2006

What's wrong with "Steve" or "Danny"

In yet another desperate attempt to be unique, another poor kid will be exposed to schoolyard ridicule for having a stupid name. Meet Sutton Pierce Federline Maybe Sutton, Suri, Apple and Phinnaeus can get a deal on group therapy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Nervous System...

Ok Ladies, HP08 is heading, once again, to Tennessee this weekend. The Ocho always enjoys her Tennessee weekends. However, this one also includes a 20 mile run. HP08 is starting to reach the point in her training where the distances seem insurmountable. She has already conquered 17 miles and she only has two long runs left before the actual marathon, but she's feeling like she's put on weight since her vacation and that the extra 5-10 pounds might just weigh her down. It's probably 90% in her head, but it's definitely starting to creep in as doubt. HP08 feels like if she can get by past the 20 mile mark, that she'll feel confident that she can do the 23 miles and then the full 26.2, but ugh...20 miles is ridiculous. So, ok Ladies, the Ocho needs to hear about how and why she's going to be able to get this thing done. Not so much advice, because she's gotten a lot of that, but reasons why she isn't going to die. Yes, HP08 is making a public plea for encouragement. Sorry, but it's true. HELP!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

HP05 is an IRON GIRL!!

Sorry for the late post. Computer problems...

With 2 weeks of tapering, i.e. not working out, completed her 2nd solo triathlon, to become an official Iron Girl. As this HP has mentioned in past postings, her training has been pretty non-existent since the swim. But, it was a great race despite the lack of training. HP05’s college BF, WaterPoloHotPants flew out from Colorado to do the race. This was also the first time HP05’s parents saw a full triathlon in person. Wow, were they impressed! Thanks to HP06 who was helping them with where to go, what to expect, and answering a bunch of questions.

There aren’t any fun stores like the last time (please see HP05’s “All Alone…” posting), it was just a good race. A nice swim without jellyfish, waves or current. A VERY HILL bike course, but no flat tires. A flat, then hilly, then flat again run; but kept all fluid down. All ladies she could find who were racing finished, including 2 newbies. The sun and humidity stayed away until we were done. Can’t ask for anything more.

What’s next??? Well, with a really bad knee that keeps HP05 from walking from time to time, most would think she is done. Unfortunately, HP05 was talked into doing the first Nation’s Triathlon. She first decided yes when the swim was only 1K and the run was an 8K. However, the day after signing up the race turned into a 1.5K swim, 32K bike (the same as originally planed), and a 10K run. The 10K run scares her the most. HP05 has not run more then 5 miles this year!! The race is in 2 weeks… Will there be cow bells? HP05 may need to hear the power of the cow bell to keep her going…

Coast to Coast

Where in the world has the Ocho been? She's been from coast to coast, baby! That's right, the Ocho has been on vacation for two weeks and spent time on both coasts of this great country. The first week was spent with the Family Ocho in San Diego. The Ocho parents, the Ocho Sister, Senor Ocho and The Ocho spent time at a Padres game, went to the San Diego Zoo and tried their hardest to be true California Beach bums. (This is in fact an impossible feat for Papa Ocho so we did some other stuff too.)

The Family Ocho a Padres v. Diamondbacks game (Papa Ocho, Mama Ocho, Sister Ocho)

Gorillas at the San Diego Zoo (No relation to the Ochos)

Surfers on Mission Beach (Goodbye San Diego!)

After the week in San Diego, HP08 and Senor Ocho headed to the Outer Banks with a few friends. This was true beach bum time until Ernesto rolled ashore. However, this left time for touristy stuff and a serious trip to the outlet malls. All in all a good time. HP08 got a seriously stomach sunburn but managed enough of a tan to try and make those stuck in DC jealous. :)

The Beach set up

The Ocho and Senor Ocho on the ferry (yes, he needs a hair cut)

Ernesto rolling in

Ernesto is upon us!

The Ocho and Senor Ocho celebrating the Ocho's mad bowling skills.

So, to sum up, there was a lot of bumming, some running, too much sunning and a lot of rain. Oh, and we ran our 17 miles between the two trips and did our shorter runs while we were there. Ernesto cost us a 5 miler, but we knocked it out when we got back. Can the marathon be now? Please?

Ocho out.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Tribute to a fallen adventurer

HP02 never laughed so hard in her life than when HotPantsJulie did her infamous Crocodile Hunter impression at HP01's house in Ft. Collins. RIP Steve Irwin. Thanks for all the great quotables.