Team Caliente Pantalones

The uber-stellar triathletes of TeamCalientePantalones welcome you to our CrazySexyCool blog. We are balls-to-the-wall about triathlons, cross-training, camping and gear. Rockin’ it, HotPants style!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Back in the Paddle Again

Hello Hotpants one and all! It has been a long, long time and the Ocho apologizes for her lack in blogging commitment. Don't worry, though, because she's back, Baby! And back in more ways that one... That's right, the Ocho hit the pool last night for the first time in...umm...7 months. Some of you may remember HP08's last swimming adventure, but if not, here is a reminder:

(Posting this photo was a self imposed punishment for HP08's lack in blogging lately.)

So, after the trauma of the Bath County swim, the Ocho decided to hang up her goggles for a "while" and stay away from the pool. A while turned in to 7 months. However, the time has come to strap those goggles back on, pull that swim cap over her head and jump back in to the pool with large, plaid speedo man. She tried to remember all of the lessons that HP04 gave her but she is definitely a bit rusty. It really made her miss HP03 since that's who the Ocho always called and cried to after she decided that she was the worst swimmer in the whole world and that she was just going to sink to the bottom of the lake in Bath County.
But HP08 has digressed...Why is it time now the time to hit the pool the HPs may wonder? Well here is why...HP08 is training for her very first triathlon. OK, so it isn't really a "full" triathlon and the real triatheletes that are reading this may snicker, but it's a place to start and you always have to start somewhere. On March 4th, the Ocho will be participating in the Centerville, VA Life Time Fitness Indoor Triathlon. It goes something like jump in the pool and swim your heart out for 10 minutes, then you get out of the pool and peddle, peddle, peddle on the bike for 30 minutes. After the bike, you head to the treadmill and run like crazy for 20 minutes. Your score is based on your total distance covered in each of the three legs. The real appeal of this event for HP08, other than forcing her to recommit to her pool training, is the fact that the Ocho can get the feel for what a triathlon is like even though she still doesn't have a bike. So, there it is. HP08's first "triathlon." We'll see what happens.
In closing, HP08 will leave you all with some thoughts about locker room etiquette. First, just because you can walk around naked in the locker you doesn't mean that you have to. And! Just because your husband/boyfriend/lovah says that you're sexy when your strolling around with nothing but a towel on your head, it doesn't mean the rest of us want to see it. Second, if you leave a giant hairball in the drain of the shower after you've finished your shower, clean it out. It makes people want to vomit. Third, don't let your children run around and throw basketballs back and forth while people are trying to get dressed. It's annoying. And finally, if you happen to be given the locker right next to mine by the front desk people, it's not my fault so stop being a bitch about how I'm in your way.
So, there it is...the first of many posts to come for the Ocho. Now everyone else get on the bandwagon!!!

-Ocho Out

Friday, January 26, 2007

Me love you long time....

As many of you may know HP03 has left the OT crew and moved back to the beautiful state of NH - joining the ranks of the out of town HPs. Upon arriving home faced with the notion of 6 week of doing nothing before her new position started she decided to take off for SE Asia of the trip of a lifetime. Persuaded by promises of white beaches and beautiful temples HP04 met up with 02 in Bangkok (sadly i got in too late to make it to a ping pong show), headed to Koh Samui for 4 days and then to Siem Reap Cambodia for another 4 days. Here we are at the beach in Thailand. (ahem - please note HP04's tan. Alright its more of a burn but whatever its not pasty white!!) HP04 has been back a little under a week and already misses the entertaining antics of HP03; (Not to mention returning to an office without spontaneous robot, dancing and talk of unicorns in meetings) but I'm keeping up to date on her travels. HP03 has now left Cambodia and is traipsing through Vietnam. In a recent email she said she's having a great time but misses the HPs, and thinks the lack of blogging is total crap.

So, HPs I'm relaying the message. We've been called out on our laziness from Vietnam. (HP03 tried to log in but couldn't get in at the internet cafe). So let's here it! What's going on in your lives? Who are you dating? Not dating? (this would probably be the category my dating life falls into) Who's going to the gym? I'm not but plan on starting next week!! What's going on ?!??!?! Come on...who else gives us pictures like this?????

ps - can we please get a post (with photo preferably) of the arrival of our miniHP?!?!??!?!